Reviews: Yoni Cleanser

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131 results
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I was on birth control for almost a decade, originally because of acne, and also to regulate my sporadic periods. After I stopped taking birth control, my periods were still irregular. I believe this product and my clean vegan, high raw diet helped to regulate my cycle. I have a period every month now. I also did the FBD. I'm so grateful for these products! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I have been using it for over a year. And I love it and the results. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    It really works. From a one to ten, my period is a 3. I have had pain since I got my period and nothing had worked for me. The yoni cleanser will work if you have fibroids. Also, the tea will help while taking the yoni cleanser. I hope this helps people who are suffering. This post has really helped and has change my life. I am able to get a good look now. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I loved using Yoni cleanser and would buy it again!! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    This is an awesome product, with amazing results!!!! I could feel a difference just within the first week day of using them. This product has done so much in the short time I've used it. It's amazing how such a small change can raise ones confidence. The soft pills are easy to swallow (not to big) Thank you so much!I definitely recommend this product. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I am premenopausal and have been experiencing dryness and odor but after taking Yoni cleanser, I no longer have an odor. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    The Yoni Cleanser works, I have ordered it back in January and shared the bottle with my 21 niece who came over my house to visit in April 2021. She told me how she had been to her doctor that week and had cysts growing inside of her so he put her on a lower dose of birth control to stop them. I told her to not take them and use the Yoni supplements instead. She did and last week she called to tell me she saw her doctor last week June and the cysts are all gone! She was amazed!! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I have tried most of the product and I love them all! I love the fact that the Yoni cleanse not only cleanse your reproductive system but it also helps with shortening your cycle, shrink fibroids, and lightening the bleeding. God says, I give you all the herbs of the land for healing! My belief aligns with Dherbs that your body can heal itself! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    Awesome product! Dherbs is the best and I have recommended their products to all my friends and strangers. I particularly love the fact that the capsules are vegan. The Yoni Cleanser is the best for keeping your Ph in check. Thank you Dherbs for keeping us all healthy. *
131 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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