Reviews: Yoni Cleanser

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131 results
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I LOVE this product! I just finished my first bottle, and I already received my second in the mail. Ladies don’t hesitate to give it a try! You won’t be disappointed. :) *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I had very bad white spotting and bad smell, since finishing the first bottle, I’m so happy with the result. It is works so well for me, I feel very clean and no bad smell anymore. I'm taking it with the Menstrual Cycle Formula, so women if you are having the same problem as I was, don’t think just buy. Thanks Dherbs. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I've been taking this product pretty faithfully for years. It is everything! It definitely helps with yeast infections, BV, and any sort of issue you have down there. I swear by it! It helps with cramps when you're on your period. I take one a day just to keep up with the general health but I'll take 3 if I notice something coming or if my cramps are especially strong that day. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    This is a great product and I will continue to use it regularly. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I have been using the uterus formula to help regulate my cycle and after using it for 1 year, my body got too used to it. My cycle became irregular again so I switched to the Yoni Cleanser and now I’m back to normal!!! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    My daughter loves this product! I highly recommend this to all women! 5 stars!! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    Great product. Easy to swallow. No after taste. Seems to be working to balance my uterine system. Plan on repurchasing. Will know more about its affects after my doctors appointment in a couple of weeks. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I feel more balanced. I’m in my early 50s.Thank you. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    I started using this product 1 month ago and I tell you it has been a blessing to me with my menstrual problems. My pain hasn't been as severe and my bleeding has slow down a lot. Personally this is a very good product and I would recommend it to any of my family and friends. *
131 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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