Reviews: Joint Aid

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58 results
  • Joint Aid


    I think the product helps me. It has only been about a week. *

  • Joint Aid

    My boyfriend bought me this formula (Joint Aid) and it worked very well. I bought a refill and upped the dosage to 3 a day and love it. I recommended it to my grandmother and great grandmother. *
  • Joint Aid

    I have noticed some relief in my knees. It takes between 1-2 hours to feel the effect of it. *
  • Joint Aid

    Love this product. Have had back and knee pain for last 2 years. Very active at the gym and since taking this product , the pain has definitely lessened and refuse to take pain meds prescribed by doctor. I also use the tea and reorder monthly. Getting ready to order both again. Thank Dherbs for your amazing products. So grateful for your natural herbal products. *
  • Joint Aid

    This formula is definitely on point! I had soreness in my knees and occasional soreness in my ankles from playing sports throughout my youth. I haven't felt this much comfort in those areas in a very long time. *
  • Joint Aid

    I like Dherbs joint formula due to the fact it has herbs that are effective in cushioning the joints and help with pain. thanks! *
  • Joint Aid

    I have been using the Joint Aid. It has been really working. I can feel a difference. *
  • Joint Aid

    I started taking the joint aid for my joints and find it that it does help. Will write a fuller review once I have finish my first bottle. Thank you so much for all you do. *
  • Joint Aid

    For a couple of months I had no relief until I started taking joint aid, I've been on it for a couple weeks and I can tell a difference already thanks again Dherbs for this awesome product I will continue to take it. *
  • Joint Aid

    Hi everybody, I work constructions and because of every day stress on my upper body I experience lot of joint pain. This formula seems to be helping. I would recommend it to everybody with similar problems. *
58 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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