
What Is Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are neurological disorders that are characterized by the impairment in the way one communicates, both verbally and non-verbally, handles social interactions and repetitive behavioral traits.  The term Autism Spectrum refers to the degrees of the disorder, which include Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome and Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD-NOS).  Autism Spectrum commonly presents learning disabilities, challenges in socializing, difficulty in coordination and impaired cognitive thinking.  It’s a disorder that can affect kids differently and can usually be diagnosed at before the age of three.  Autism is the highest degree of the disorders, in which it affects the brain development and nerve cells.  Asperger’s is specifically characterized by one’s difficulties in their social interactions and non-verbal communication (see Asperger’s Syndrome).  Pervasive Development Disorders bridges the gap between Autism and Asperger’s, in which the criteria is not met for either disorders but the pattern are similar. 

Signs Of Autism

There’s no one sign or symptom that indicates Autism.  There has to be multiple recurring symptoms, which indicate that the disorder is present.  Even when certain behavioral traits are present, it does not always imply that a person falls under the Autism Spectrum Disorders.  Below are signs and symptoms of Autism, classified by both social and communication complications and behavioral difficulties.


Social & Communication Symptoms:


  • Preference in being secluded and left alone
  • Shying away from social interactions
  • Lack of eye contact when speaking
  • Resistance in physical interactions
  • Neglecting other peoples emotions and actions
  • Unresponsiveness, both verbally and non-verbally
  • Difficulties in expressing themselves
  • Inability to make conversation
  • Language complications (repetitiveness, inability to pronounce things or remember vocabulary)
  • Unapproachable
  • Hearing challenges


Behavioral & Physical Symptoms:


  • Severe mood swings
  • Concentration issues
  • Headaches and pains
  • Strange repetitive or restrictive behavior
  • Repetitive movements
  • Lack of Intuition
  • Abnormal eating habits (lack of appetite or over eating)
  • Obsessive interest in one thing
  • Sensitivity to loud noises or bright lights
What Causes Autism

There’s no real single cause of Autism, however, research has zeroed in on the things that could possibly contribute to the disorder's existence.  Although Autism presents mental difficulties, it is not a mental illness or disease.  It is not a disorder that is dominant in any particular race, ethnicity or social status; anyone can be affected by the disorder.  Autism is four times more common in boys as opposed to girls.


  • Genetics (certain genes have been associated with the disorder)
  • Environmental factors (pollutants, chemicals, pesticides, certain foods, etc.)
  • Vaccinations (certain vaccinations has been linked to Autism, especially those that contain a high amount of mercury)
  • Issues during Pregnancy (infections, certain health ailments, abundance of stress, consuming certain foods, smoking & drinking)
  • Brain Shape (certain studies show that irregularities in the shape of the brain could possibly play a role in having the disorder),ai.html


Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!

Natural Remedies
  • Adjusting the diet for someone with Autism is very ideal.  Raw food diets and eating vegan helps provide an array of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help improve the condition of the brain.  Eliminating foods that are genetically modified, contain preservatives or additives and high in sugar can help control the triggers of the disorder.  Foods that contain gluten, casein and sugar should be avoided.  It’s important to know what we consume and how food affects our bodies. 
  • Eliminating unnatural things can also help control the conditions of Autism.  Reducing the use of plastic, chemicals used in detergents and cleaners, second hand smoke and other things that you have control over could help.
  • Therapy is also a great way to cope conditions of Autism.  There are a variety of therapies that have been linked to taming the behavioral patterns of those who have Autism. Speech therapy, behavioral specialist, music therapy, occupational therapy or alternative learning methods can all help recondition the behavioral patterns of Autism
  • Creating routines and patterns can also be a great way to help a child or adult with Autism.  Being consistent and keeping a schedule helps to condition their behavior by getting them accustomed to everyday things.   Positive reinforcement is always a great thing to do.  It lets the person know that their action is acceptable and what they’re doing is something good.  Rewards for good behavior can help them distinguish the difference between what is right and wrong.  Creating a better environment at home is one of the best solutions.  Things like signs, visual cues, certain color uses and boundaries in the house can all help control the situation.  It’s important to provide love, comfort and the best environment for those who are affected by Autism.


Things you should eat
  • Berries (blueberries and raspberries)
  • Avocado
  • Apples
  • Cinnamon
  • Leafy Green Vegetables (Spinach, Kale, Broccoli)
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric/Curry
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Flaxseeds
  • Sunflower seeds
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