Infomation about Syphilis

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Syphilis, which is a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), is a bacterial infection that is primarily contracted via unprotected sex (vaginally, orally, or anally).  The condition usually starts with a painless sore near your genitals, anus, or mouth.  If skin or mucus membrane comes in contact with these sores, then that person will be infected.  Syphilis can be difficult to diagnose, but the earlier you discover the infection, the better.  If the condition goes untreated for a long time, the person can experience damage to major organs like the heart or brain. 

Syphilis is categorized by the different symptoms associated with the varied stages of the condition.  There is a primary, secondary, latent, and, occasionally, tertiary stage of Syphilis.  Sometimes one may not experience symptoms while infected, but the person still has the infection.  Common symptoms in the various stages are as follows.

Primary Stage:

  • A Chancre (a painless, highly infectious sore that usually appears wherever the bacteria entered the body)
  • Incubation period is about 3 weeks following contact with the bacteria

Secondary Stage:

  • Non-itchy rash that spreads throughout the body
  • Oral, anal, or genital wart-like sores
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Sore Throat
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Headaches
  • Weight Loss

Latent Stage:

  • Primary and Secondary symptoms may disappear and can remain dormant.  This means you still have Syphillis and sometimes Secondary symptoms reappear, or you may stay in this stage without symptoms for years before progressing into the Tertiary Stage. 

Tertiary Stage (about 15-30% of untreated Syphilis cases enter this stage):

  • Occurs 10-30 years following the initial infection
  • Blindness
  • Deafness
  • Memory Loss
  • Mental Illness
  • Heart Disease
  • Meningitis 
  • Neruosyphillis (an infection of the brain or spinal cord)

The cause of Syphilis is the Treponema pallidium bacterium.  Syphilis is contracted by coming in contact with an infected person's sore during unprotected sexual contact, be it vaginally, anally, or orally.  Some condoms can help decrease the chance of catching the virus.  A person can also catch the virus without penetration, for example, kissing or touching genitals. New born babies can also contract the virus during birth if the mother has Syphilis. 

  • Sexual Contact (vaginally, anally, or orally) with an infected person(s)
  • During Childbirth
  • Touching genitals or kissing (kissing is a less common way to contract it, but if the sore is touched then a person can contract the infection)

Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!

  • If you or your partner have Syphilis, the most effective way to not pass the bacterium is to abstain from sexual contact.  Try to not touch the chancre, the sore that is the result of a Syphilis infection.  To decrease the chances of getting Syphilis, avoid having sexual contact with multiple partners at a time.  Always ask if the sexual partner has Syphilis or any other STD to be safe.
  • You may not think a healthy diet can help treat Syphilis, but eating healthily can help boost the immune system, making it more capable of combating infections.  Maintaining a diet comprised of raw nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables, lots of water, probiotics, and wheatgrass can be very beneficial because all of those provide the body with essential nutrients in their purest forms.  Avoid eating meat, processed foods, dairy, sugar, salt, alcohol, and smoking because these substances can cause the bacteria to spread. 
  • Raw garlic is a fantastic herbal remedy because it has incredible anti-bacterial properties.  While consuming raw garlic cloves is optimal for the most benefits, you can incorporate garlic into your meals to reap its benefits. You can also put raw garlic into smoothies or you can juice it.  Pair it with ginger and dark leafy greens for a nutrition packed smoothie/juice.
  • You may want to consider taking a zinc supplement because it is one of the best minerals that helps to boost the immune system.  It can help increase the number of white blood cells and antibodies, and directly affects the bacterial infection. 
  • Apple cider vinegar is a common natural remedy that is used for many conditions including Seborrhea or other types of Dermatitis.  You can mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and drink this daily.  If you don't want to do that, pour about 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a luke warm bath and soak in it for about 15 minutes. 
  • Exercise is a beneficial ways for your immune system to get a workout.  When you exercise you promote healthy blood flow and boost your metabolism and immune system, which aids in the body's natural waste elimination process.  A healthy immune system is key in helping the body eliminate a bacterial infection like Syphilis.
  • Consuming goldenseal and echinacea increases the strength of the immunse system.  Both of these have natural anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory substances, which can help to get rid of Syphilis.
  • Dark Leafy Greens (spinach, kale, & chard)
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Echinacea
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Mushrooms
  • Pumpkin & Squash Seeds
  • Cashews
  • Raw Walnuts & Almonds
  • Fresh Berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, & raspberries)
  • Tomatoes
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Bok Choy
  • Beets
  • Broccoli
  • Pineapple
  • Rosemary
  • Green Tea
  • Fennel
  • Marjoram


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