Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

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  • Full Body Cleanse

    I started my Full Body Cleanse on August 2, 2015. The first week was a challenge, but I pushed through and I'm glad I did. At the end of the Full Body Cleanse I'm happy to say I'm down 15 lbs and looking forward to starting my maintenance program. Yes I took a week off but I've learned to reprogram my eating to include plenty of raw juices (both vegetable and fruit) and I'm back on my total gym and exercise bike and loving it. Thank you to my sister for telling me about Dherbs and thank you Dherbs for all your products. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I did the Full Body Cleanse. It made me feel good. I was more energized while on the diet. I would recommend you to try it. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    The 20 day full body cleanse was amazing! I lost 33lbs and my wife lost 23lbs. I recommend everyone that is thinking about cleansing to do it. I feel great and I have so much more energy and motivation to get up and live a healthy lifestyle. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I was always bloated and had constant constipation, so I figured I needed a cleanse. I purchased the Full Body Cleanse back in April and in just the first 3 to 4 days I had lost a few pounds. I continued with this product for the full twenty days and after finishing I had lost 20 pounds. I love your products and I have tried a few of them. I will continue to use your products because it does wonders for you. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I have used the full body cleanse several times, I try to use it at least twice a year to clean out my system, like tuning up my car, my body feels and looks so much better after the cleanse. the pills are easy to swallow, and no aftertaste was noticed by me. I would recommend this product to anyone who wants to feel better, and lose some weight in the process. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I took the Dherbs full body cleanse a year ago. I had good results. Being diagnosed with IBS, this really helped me to become regular. With becoming regular, it made me feel a lot better and not bloated. I don't know about anyone else, but to have regularity is major for me. I lost some weight also. I would recommend this product to anyone who may be experiencing IBS/constipation. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    The Dherbs 20 day full body cleanse is the best product I have ever tried. It had me feeling very energetic and alive. I lost 27lbs in my first 10 days doing the dherbs 20 day Full Body Cleanse. It worked so well for me that my wife and daughter want to try it. So I'm going to challenge them both to it. The agreement is, if they complete it, I'll pay for it. If they don't, I'll get my money back. lol. The bottom line is that the Dherbs Full Body Cleanse is the best that's out there. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I completed the 20 day Full Body Cleanse a few days ago and I was just amazed at the way it made me feel; I had clarity, all my aches and pains disappeared. I started each day with new found energy after a goodnight sleep. I am so impressed with the product, I am going to do another 20 days. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    First I have to say that I am not an easy please. I am critical of claims that say they can make you feel this way or that and especially the ones that like to say they are "natural" or "healthy ". I have done the Full Body Cleanse twice since hearing about them and I can say with utmost certainty that this product works and works just like the claims say. It is non evasive and very simple to do. Taking the pills gets easier every day, and fills you up! I easily got into a routine. It helps to like raw vegetables, and the varieties are endless so you don't get tired of it. More excitement comes when you start feeling the effects of the whole cleanse which helps to motivate and keep you going. Yes, the energy is amazing that you feel when you start getting rid of all the "crap" (sorry about the pun) inside weighing you down. The instructions are very easy to follow, and the advice and recipes that come with it are invaluable. The extra tips are also very helpful. When I had my first cleanse, I completed it shortly before I was scheduled to have a colonoscopy for the first time. After it was complete, my physician stated that he was very surprised that my colon was so unremarkable ( that's a good term) and clean. lol Yes, this is a true story. No issues whatsoever. That alone would have made this product worth it's weight in gold. This product also makes you feel overall better, in so many ways. All the benefits really are true. I am about to be on my third Full Body Cleanse and then I am doing the Weight Release Cleanse right afterwards. I made some mistakes after the last cleanse and took the cleaning I received for granted. I have since learned what NOT to do this time, so I am totally ready now. If you are at all on the fence about which cleanse to do and you come across my review, please know it is 100% true and accurate. I have tried many other cleanses, some shorter and not as "nice" to your body's certain areas. DHerbs cleanse is in no way harsh or "explosive" to your system. Thank you DHerbs for making such a great product that does what it says it does. This critical, hard to pleaser is a believer and a life long customer. NB *
5037 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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