Reviews: Menstrual Cycle Formula

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96 results
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    I started taking this supplement a month ago it has worked well. As far as my cycle being cut short and my cramping disappearing. I have suffered from cramping for years. This supplement has helped me a lot. I no longer have to take anything for pain due to cramping. Also, I am no longer having to stay in bed to get past my cycle. *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    I only take this when I start my menstrual cycle. It has done wonders for my flow and even cut my days down from 7 to 5; sometimes 3. I no longer cramp or have heavy bleeding. I use to couldn't leave the house but thanks to these pills and detoxing I no longer have to sit home for 7 days. I even ordered some for my sister who suffers from PCOS. *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    I literally noticed a difference in a week. I had been spotting from birth control for 3 weeks. I am no longer spotting and I am a very happy person. I stopped taking the birth control and now only take the menstrual cycle formula to regulate my period. So happy I decided to make the switch. *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    WOW! I used to have a heavy menstrual cycles and I hated it until I started taking Dherbs Menstrual cycle vitamins not only did it shorten it; it stopped the heavy flooding and I have less cramps as well!! I take most of Dherbs vitamins for health and let me tell you..Dherbs is God Sent!! Thank you. A Forever Customer! *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    This product works. I was bleeding for like a month and a half before I started taking the supplements. Within a few weeks, my period stopped and when it came on the next month it only lasted 4 days...when a normal cycle usually lasts 7. I will also recommend it to friends and family. *
  • Menstrual Cycle Formula

    I have irregular cycles and fibroids. I only had 3 cycles this year. My last cycle was in September 2019. When I started taking this product on 10-27-2019 and had my next cycle on 11-18-2019! Less than 30 days! This product works! *
96 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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