Reviews: Brain Booster

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71 results
  • Brain Booster

    I feel more alert when using this product. It's great! *
  • Brain Booster

    I feel so much on point since I started taking the Brain Booster. *
  • Brain Booster

    I’m still trying this product, but I’m starting to see a change in my focus. My focus is getting better. *
  • Brain Booster

    I am a 32 year old woman with 3 children, 2 of them are twin babies, and I am single. So I am busy busy busy and it has been so hard to focus on my schooling and my job this past year. I have always had issues as a child in school with focusing and retaining information. Back then, ADHD or ADD was not a label put on me, but as an adult I know that I have always struggled with issues similar to ADD. It almost makes me want to cry to tell you that this product is helping me excel again! I am getting through my classes with ease, I am somehow calmer with my children and not so easily aggravated, I am arriving to work earlier and I am focused and I feel good. Thank you so much DHERB! This one product has helped me so much in a short amount of time and I know I can achieve my goals now that I can focus! Thank you thank you thank you! *
  • Brain Booster

    Great product to have when you are having a hard time focusing in school. *
  • Brain Booster

    I found this Brain Booster to help me with my vision. The blurring vision I had went from really bad (not able to read) to so much better (able to read). I plan on continuing with this product until my vision returns to normal. *
  • Brain Booster

    I love the Brain Booster. I decided to go without for couple of months just to see if it really works. I noticed a big difference with my memory. But since I've started back taking these herbs everything seems to be getting back to normal. Thank God. *
  • Brain Booster

    The Brain Tuner Formula is a great product! It gave me mental clarity and aided greatly in my preparation for exams, etc. *
  • Brain Booster

    Need a brain tune up here it is. This is a great product for the job, after an hour i began to feel the result clearer thinking, more focus, and energy. If i had to name this product it would be called "Brain Windex" the reason? clearer,cleaner-,focused,energi-zed thinking, use of my brain with out a doubt!!! Red Bull and all that other crap! Fall Back! "Brain Tuner Tea" is where its at!!! This truly a great product!!! Don't get left behind, Brain Tune your Mind! Charles & Yawanna Green *
71 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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