Reviews: Yoni Cleanser

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131 results
  • Yoni Cleanser

    The Yoni Formula is a great product, will order again worked wonders for my hot flash. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    It did a light flush, which was great because I've been eating too many white foods prior to taking this for about a good month. This affects various areas of the body. After about 3 days, things felt back to normal. Once the 15% discount shows up, I used this with the Uterus tea. Planning on getting the Uterus set. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    Did what it said it would do, I think it also helped with lightening menstrual flow. Definitely going to purchase again. I've also recommended it to all my girl friends so they can be the judge for themselves. I have not completed the bottle in its entirety but from what I've used thus far, I'm pretty much satisfied with the outcome. Bless! *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    Hmm the Yoni cleanse was okay. Maybe bc I grew a bit inconsistent with taking them it just didn't do what I expected. Maybe it did some internal wonders that I can't see or feel. But hey. I like the Candida formula better. *
  • Yoni Cleanser

    Didn't work too well for me. Followed instructions and everything but it didn't help in cleansing and regulating my cycle. *
131 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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