Reviews: Eye Formula

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60 results
  • Eye Formula

    This product is truly amazing. I've been taking it for a month now and I can feel the difference in my vision. I recommend all of your products! *
  • Eye Formula

    I ordered the Eye Formula for my son with great results. Thanks Dherbs for all that you do. *
  • Eye Formula

    I highly recommend the Eye Formula, especially for people who work on the computer most of the day. *
  • Eye Formula

    After using the Eye Formula I noticed a big change in my vision. Thank You DHerbs. *
  • Eye Formula

    My wife tried the Eye Tea and Eye Formula together during some period. Great products. *
  • Eye Formula

    I really love the Eye Formula, it is very effective. Because I spend so much time on the computer, at times my eyes tend to feel discomfort. Since using the eye formula I feel a significant difference. Dherbs, your products are second to none. A customer for life! -Nett *
  • Eye Formula

    Greetings, the Eyes Formula works miracles. My job requires me to be in front of a computer for 7-8hrs a day. After trying the eye formula my vision seems to be a lot better. Thanks DHERBS *
  • Eye Formula

    Eyes Formula is great !! My eyes look so bright & healthy !! I notice my eyes feel more comfortable while working on the computer. *
  • Eye Formula

    Dherbs Eyes Formula is a truly effective product. I gave this product to my nephew in combination with the Eye Tea. *
60 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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