Reviews: Maintenance Package

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215 results
  • Maintenance Package

    The Maintenance Package did a great job to help me to continue to stay or track and reap the benefits of the Full Body Cleanse. *
  • Maintenance Package

    The Maintenance Package really helped me to maintain all that I had accomplished with my total weight loss from the DHERBS product. The product really assisted in helping me look and feel great about myself. I have recommended the products to friends who want to get back to feeling healthy again. *
  • Maintenance Package

    I completed the cleanse and is currently maintaining on this package. During the cleanse I actually lost 25lbs. My A1C. Went down from 7.2. To. 4.9. My doctor was amazed and stated I should be a poster boy!!!!!!!! *
  • Maintenance Package

    I just ordered my second round of the maintenance plan and I'm elated to say it's been a over a month since completing the FBC, 1 month of maintenance and Hurricane Irma (Florida resident) and not eating the best selections but still holding within 5 pounds of my goal weight. Now it's time to get back to the lifestyle changes that I worked so hard to gain. The maintenance plan has helped me to settle back into how I really want to live my life. Smart, feeling great and healthy. Thanks DHerbs. *
  • Maintenance Package

    The maintenance package has been an excellent tool to keep me on track long enough to permanently adopt a healthy lifestyle. After my first 20 day full body cleanse, I did not start the maintenance program. And unfortunately after a few weeks some of my bad habits returned. By starting the maintenance program immediately following the full body cleanse, it was like I was extending the 20 day program. It has had very positive life changing affects on my health. *
  • Maintenance Package

    I love this package better than the 20 day full body. I noticed a big difference the 1st day. If you stick to the diet and program you can easily lose 30 lbs. *
  • Maintenance Package

    This package reminded me what the fasting program was all about, as well as what NOT to go back to eating! After you lose weight, you don't want it to come back so this product reminded me to stay the course of eating fresh healthy foods and not fast foods. *
  • Maintenance Package

    I'm pleased with the maintenance package and I'm still not eating meat. I will be purchasing my second maintenance package to get me through the Holidays. I feel great and happy that I made the choice to cleanse my body. *
  • Maintenance Package

    The maintenance package is continuing to help me not only maintain my weight lost but I'm loving the way my body feels. I've also changed my eating to mostly fresh vegetables and fruits as well as allow myself seafood once or twice a month. While I'm not a huge fan of the tea, I drink it so that the Alkaline, Detox and Bowel Motion pills can work hand in hand. *
215 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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