Reviews: Blood & Lymphatic

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110 results
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Recently I purchase the Blood & Lymphatic and Iron Formulas, both have made a tremendous difference in my Life. I am no longer weak, light headed, or drained before the end of my day. I highly recommend both products. I have recommended your website and products to everyone I know. I cant wait to start on the Full Body Cleanse and Female Cleanse. Thank you again for the knowledge you shared when I called with questions. Keep up the excellent work. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I purchased a new home and relocated to a new area and my face and hands became irritated by something in my environment. I thought perhaps it would simply go away but it didn't after a year of trying Acupuncture and and a number of cleansing methods like foot baths and infra sauna. I read about Dherbs on a blog site and decided to give it a try. I noticed an improvement with my skin and didn't quite know what to attribute it to since I was doing everything. I had taken the Blood & Lymphatic formula for three months and stopped. The issue returned so I reordered a two month supply and it appears to be producing the same gradual changes I noticed before. It can be very frustrating to deal with and I am extremely hopeful that if I continue to take the formula that life will return to normal:-) I am very grateful for the people who take the time to share their experiences online otherwise I would have never found Dherbs. Thanks for all the informative newsletters also :-) *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    This product has shown me very positive results in a very short time. I have issues with inflammation and joint pain. I have noticed improvements while taking this product and the Anti-V Formula. And let me also add that I feel more focused and not off balance or struggling with the brain fog, as i was prior to using this product. Thanks so much!! *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I have been using your Blood & Lymphatic formula, along with the MSM sulfur, for over two months and I have noticed that the dark spots on the joints of my fingers , toes and elbows have faded away. Before trying your formula, I was tempted to use a bleaching cream to lighten the discolorations, but your formulas seem to have treated the problem. Now, my skin is beautiful and even toned all over. You are a true genius...Keep up the good work! Erma *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I am using the Blood & Lymphatic Formula along with the Cardio-Vascular Formula, Prostate Formula, and Jackrabbit Formula's. I have been sleeping so much better through the night, waking up very strong in the morning, more alert and mindful throughout the day. These Four are Fantastic! Very highly recommended. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    This product is the best!!! I have only used it once, but I saw a great effect of it when I did use it. I wasn't breaking out with pimples, and my skin was clear. I just love it! *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    Although at first I took the pills inconsistently, I've found that with consistent usage, the pills seem to sustain clearer skin. I will definitely keep up with these pills. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    In the past, my skin would usually flare up on the right side (only) of my face during menses; So, being both knowledgeable of toxicity in the blood and frustrated when it began to flare up on the left side I knew that I needed to cleanse my blood. After ingesting the first eight pills (free will) of Blood & Lymphatic Formula I saw the cleansing take effect immediately. I also used the Oz-oil (another Dherbs product) to massage my face. Yes, I did continue to flare up but it was such at a minimum that after two months of using this product, I no longer became frustrated because I knew that healing was taking place; in addition, I am more calm and insightful holistically. A POSITIVE ATTITUDE... AND LIFESTYLE is the KEY Yeah! You will NOT be disappointed with this product!!! Debra *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I would break out so I tried this product to cleanse my blood. Slowly but surely I saw a difference in my face. I'm going to order it again and anyone should too! *
110 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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