Reviews: Blood & Lymphatic - The Blood & Lymph Cleansing Supplement (Lymphatic Detox, Blood Cleanser, Blood Cleanser Pills, Herbs For Lymphatic System, Dherbs, Herbal Supplement, Herbal Products, Natural Supplements) (page 6)

Reviews: Blood & Lymphatic

Blood & Lymphatic

Last year (2020) I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I started taking the Blood & Lymphatic cleanse while I was getting chemo. I just didn't take them on days I got chemo and 2 days afterwards. All the other days, I took 2 right before bed. Within a month, the tumor was gone. I had a fairly large tumor (over 4 cm) that was visibly seen. The doctors could not believe it was gone. They thought I was lying. When they examined me, it was gone. When it came time for surgery, there was no tumor to be removed, but just the area where the tumor was. I declined radiation. My current functional doctor reviewed the ingredients and said "no wonder your tumor went away so fast, many of the ingredients kills cancer cells." I did do my research on the herbs and they do kill cancer cells. To date, my tumor markers are super low and the oncologist office said they never seen anything like this before and to keep doing whatever I'm doing. Also, diet, exercise and stress reduction is also important! *

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Blood & Lymphatic

Even though I've only been on this wonderful product for about a month, I can definitely tell a difference in my health. I have more energy because it's cleansing my blood and lymphatic system. I've even lost a few pounds since I've been on your supplements. I ordered 2 containers and I'm religiously taking them each day. I definitely will be ordering more and will give you updates from time to time. Love it! *

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Blood & Lymphatic

It’s been helping with what I needed it to help with!! *

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Blood & Lymphatic

I am so thankful that Dherbs has a natural supplement to take for people who have blood pressure issues. All doctors want to do is pump you up on medicine, and many times, it makes the situation worse. Since taking this, my mom no longer has to take medicine, and her blood work came back better than expected! *

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Blood & Lymphatic

I’ve only been on it for a few days so far but my nervous system is feeling more settled, maybe from the adjustment to my ph and the benefit of some of herbs. Some of them are best taken in the morning though so they don’t disrupt your sleep so all in all, I’m going to start taking it in the morning but all is good so far. *

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Blood & Lymphatic

I highly recommend this. I noticed a difference almost immediately! I had some blood clots removed last year. I started taking this supplement and I never plan to be without it now. I think it has been very beneficial for me. It is a great product and I will definitely buy again. I tell everyone I know about DHerbs and what has helped me and my other family members all the time. I give thanks! I am very thankful for DHerbs and all of the healing products they provide. Keep up the good work and thank you very much! *

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Blood & Lymphatic

this product is sent from god it works miracles...i have no more eczema on my skin even my acne is clearing up thank you dherbs your products works for real *

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Blood & Lymphatic

I have to say this is a great product (Blood & Lymphatic Formula). I've recently experienced issues with the appearance of the skin on my hands, elbows and feet. This site recommended I try Blood & Lymphatic Formula. I have been using it faithfully for several months and noticed it drastically improving. I will not go a day without taking them. By the way I get tons of compliments on how great my skin looks. It really works!! Thank you DHERBS :-) *

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Blood & Lymphatic

This Blood & Lymphatic Formula has made my skin extremely clear. I actually can feel the effect it has on my bloodstream the moment I consume it. Absolutely a Great Product! *

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* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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