Reviews: Full Body Cleanse - Best Full Body Cleanse & Detox Product - Dherbs (page 124)

Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

Full Body Cleanse

I started the Full Body Cleanse on Feb. 9th 2015 and finished Feb. 20th and totally loved it! Opened up a new healthier way of eating/living for me. Let me share my story (sorry it is so long) but when I tell you I am an average, busy and active person like most woman/men today are, believe me! I am 45 in age, work full time at a demanding job, proud mommy of 3 (22 girl finishing college, 16 and 10 boys who are basketballs playing little Lebron James), very active in my church and in school part time finishing up my business degree (goal of mine, never too old to go back and accomplish them). Well, over the years, I think i have done a great job of taking care of myself physically and mentally (in this crazy world) by exercising (love my zumba) running on treadmill, cooking and trying to eat right, (balanced meals) and staying on top of educating myself of the dangers of poor eating habits. I grew up on taking vitamins and making protein drinks forever so that was never a problem. But I am normal, love a piece of cake, cookie or chocolate cake, piece of fried chicken and mac & cheese now and then. Not a heavy drinker of hard alcohol - can't stand the taste of it but I do like german wine! I have no health conditions and not on any type of medication (never had to thank God and only been in and out of hospital to deliver my babies) I am 5'4 and my size has always stayed around size a 10 with weight of 157 to 160, which I am ok with since having my children - but some months I will pig out on food I love (holidays meals yummy yummy) and gain weight but bring myself back to earth and slim down. Ideally, I want to tone up more and stay at a size 150! Lastly, I have done other cleansing and detoxing products before so i know the benefits (trader joes, GNC, etc.) In January of this year my weight reached 177 and I felt and looked terrible. I listen to Steve Harvey (love his show) every morning and always wanted to try Dherbs but just never did, well - I finally ordered it and OMG, I loved it! To be honest, after reading the manual (like 4 times) and writing down what I needed to do, making my list of food i needed to buy and emptying my frig, I thought it would be hard. But after like the 3rd day, it was a breeze and i was excited about the process! by the end of the first week, people noticed a difference. I was drinking more water (which I needed to), was sleeping better, skin looked healthier, stomach was so flat (like I never had any kids before), had more energy and the cleanse re-introduced me to eating fruit again! Over the years, i stopped eating raw fruit because certain ones I would eat would break me out or I would have a reaction by it irritating my throat (apple, peach, watermelon, banana, etc.) so i just stopped eating it altogether - not good, we need it! But with the cleanse, I was trying everything and found I can eat some fruits!! Now I eating it every morning! Also, I always loved salads and veggies but with the cleanse I experimented more (started adding more raw items to my salad. beets, mushrooms, dried cranberries, red, yellow and orange peppers) and discovered new veggies like Bok Choy and Swiss Chard (yummy and so good for you)! I love milk, but switched to soy, whole wheat bread but just a little, brown rice, and even add flaxseed (which I read up on) to everything! I still eat chicken but look for thin and skinless pieces, bake it and limit the sauces like bbq! I am slowly switching to organic only brand foods too. Still no sodas or juices, only water! The sugar in them is terrible! I even have my kids eating healthier foods and weaning them off the fast food crap out here. Out kids watch us and we have to set good examples. I love to cook but now I am reading more on healthier options to cook with. Finally, at the end of the cleanse, I lost a total of 17 pounds (and did not exercise at all) and was back into a size 8! Now, I did cheat a little too, sometimes I would buy a morning smoothie towards the end of cleanse cause school started and just didn't have time to prep meals in the morning! So I highly recommend this product to everyone (which I did and 2 friends of mine already did!) I am also reading more on how bad processed foods are, the labels on items, how terrible some fast foods are and addictive, bad sweets and carbs, etc. Funny, my mother raised us on eating all natural foods, taking vitamins, using holistic remedies, herbs, only eat 100% whole grains, fresh veggies, no pork, etc. But (and may she RIP) she did pass away at the at of 72 but never being on any type of medication or having an illness. She did smoke which I don't (and was a bad habit and probably took years off her life cycle) but she never had cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, nothing! I went to Jamaica in May (looked great and had a blast) but I now feel the need to cleanse again cause I gained 8 pounds back since february - still eating right, smaller portions and exercising but want to get down to 155 or 150 over the summer and stay in a solid size 8. Most importantly, continue on my healthy eating lifestyle, discover more new food options and cooking meadows and get all my girlfriends who are like me, getting older but still want to be energized and healthy for another 50 years. I may try the 10 day cleanse this time! To end, this cleanse has so many benefits but I really enjoyed the discipline I learned on how to eat, on what to eat and why. Eat to live and not live to eat is my motto now. I learned that eating healthy is a lifestyle - which requires making the right choices for our bodies! And I want to try all the products now!! thank you Dherbs for showing me the way! *

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Full Body Cleanse

This Full Body Cleanse really works. I started the cleanse on Tuesday 06/16/2015 at 268 pounds, it's now Friday 06/19/015 and I just weighed, 262 pounds. I've lost 6 pounds in 3 days. Unbelievableeeeeeeee... My only down-size to the full body cleanse is that it's a lot of pills you have to take (30 pills a day) but I decided to break my pill intake up and extend my cleanse from 20 days to 40 days. I take Formula 1: Blood & Lymphatic in the morning around 7am and then at lunch around 1pm I take Formula 2: the Cardiovascular pills and then at around 6 pm I take Formula 6: the Colon and Digestive System pills and around 10pm when I go to bed I drink the burnt plants mix. I stick to the eating recommendations about 90%. I still include a little diary, only milk (almond milk) which I had once and I do eat Fiber one cereals. However, I have no meat or starch(rice, flour, etc.) and I eat a lot of raw nuts, vegetables and fruits. I also make my own smoothies and drinks. I am only on day 4 and I was able to fit back into my skinny jeans this morning for work. I was so excited I had to come online and share my joys. :-) This is the real deal people, you wont regret it. You can choose to lengthen your cleanse like what I am doing. After my first 20 days I might buy another pack of the burnt plants mix to use on my other 20 days. I will write another review at the end of my 20 days which will be Sunday July 5th 2015. *

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Full Body Cleanse

Last year I was very sick. I was going to doctors in Houston and in Dallas, spent thousands of dollars on medical tests and was still "sick," with no conclusive diagnosis in sight. I heard about DHerbs on the Steve Harvey morning show and I decided to visit the website. My initial objective was to do the Colon Cleanse, but after reading about each product, I decided to do the Full Body Cleanse. It was hard to take all those pills and drink all that water at first, but after the third day, it got easier. I didn't start this cleanse to lose weight, I started it because I figured if I cleaned out every system in my body maybe the medication and diet would work better. My results were amazing. After the first week, I started feeling better and many of the symptoms I was experiencing vanished. By the time I finished the cleanse, I felt like my old self again, lost 10 pounds and when I went back to the doctor, my blood test results were much, much improved. I am starting to feel bad again, and after a week of suffering, I finally remembered what helped me last year, so I am ordering another Full Body Cleanse, but this time I intend to continue with the Maintenance Package afterward. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this product for anyone, no matter what state your health is in. It doesn't matter what you put in your body, if the internal workings are clogged up, sluggish, blocked, and overworked, NOTHING is going to solve health problems. Our body regenerates cells everyday. If we can get our body back to maximum condition, we will duplicate more "healthy" cells than "bad," "damaged" cells and eventually feel better. I don't know the science, and don't care. All I know is, I felt like I was dying and this product literally gave me my life back. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I heard SEVERAL times on the radio about the Full Body Cleanse, however, I also had heard several other advertisements about other cleanse, Not paying much attention to either commercial. Later, my husband came home and asked about the commercial on the Steve Harvey show, that he heard how it was good for people with Diabetic, High Blood Pressure and other Illness. So with him being diagnosed with Diabetes and we were very tied of the medicines and most of all the side effects it was causing. So we ordered the Full Body Cleanse and one each and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. IT IS TRUE THAT ONCE YOU HAVE CLEANSED YOU WILL NOT WEIGHT THE SAME AGAIN. I WILL STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I lost about 15 lbs on the Full Body Cleanse. I started off a size 10 and now I am a size 8. This cleanse was hard the first few days and it just got easier. When you eat like your suppose to your never hungry and your stomach shrinks. Your mind starts playing tricks on you because it wants what it's use to(junk).I look and feel amazing. I am going to start the Weight Release Cleanse in about a week and see how that goes. If I can lose another 15-20 lbs I will be at my ideal weight. I also decided to continue the raw food diet as a lifestyle.If you go to it will get you excited about continuing to eat this way. I definitely recommend this product to everyone. Thank you Dherbs! *

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Full Body Cleanse

What I have to say about the Full Body Cleanse is.....WOOOOOWWWWW! I started the cleanse the day after my family and I came back from the beach. I weighed myself the day i started. My weight was up the 5 lbs. I lost previously. So i proceed to weigh myself on day 4 of the cleanse. I was like this isn't right. Got off the scale, then back on. I was like, NAHHH, this scale not right at all. Long story short, first weigh in 262 lbs. four days later, NO LIE 251 lbs.. I said STTOOOOOPPPPPPP!. LOL. But first let me say, THIS CLEANSE IS NOT AN EASY RIDE THE FIRST 3 DAYS!!! Just hang in there. You will make it! *

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Full Body Cleanse

This is a great cleanse. I have lost 23 pounds and I have lost 4 inches in my waist. I feel great. It was tough in the beginning but I got used to it. 2 more days to go. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I am pre-diabetic I started with the 20 day fbc and I lost 15 pds and before I started with the fbc my A1C was 6.9 now 20 days later my A1C is 6.4 wow!!! I am so happy with my results I highly recommend the fbc to anyone who is serious about improving there health and feeling good and looking good no matter what age you are I can't say enough good things about dherbs products but I know the fbc works and it does exactly what it says its going to do thank you dherbs I will be ordering again !!!! *

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Full Body Cleanse

I just finished the full body cleanse and I should have done this months ago. I tried dherbs becasue I was feeling tired and sluggish all the time. I lost 25lbs. YES 25 LBS and everyone noticed all my co workers and my wife noticed. I knew it was well worth it when I was able to fit into a suit I had not worn in over a year and half he cleaners tag still was on it. I plan on cleansing twice a year and using the maintanence programs. My wife is starting in a few days. #healthylives *

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* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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