Reviews: Full Body Cleanse - Best Full Body Cleanse & Detox Product - Dherbs (page 26)

Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

Full Body Cleanse

On Monday, August 23 I completed my second 20-day full-body detox (FBD). This year as compared to last year, I didn't experience any detox symptoms, but I did spend a lot of time in the bathroom, which is very good. I've lost nine pounds and my clothes are loose on me, I feel clean and energetic, and my facial skin looks healthier. The FBD is an excellent product and I would definitely share with family and friends, which I have before. For everyone who has been on the FBD, please do not allow your family and friends to talk you in to going back to your bad eating habits. Keep the faith. Thank you very much Dherbs family. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I first tried the Full Body Detox in February 2010. I liked the fact that this herbal combination actually worked for me. I've tried cleanses in the past and never got good results when I was advised to eat only raw foods. I tried this one at the recommendation of my sister and was pleasantly surprised. I definitely see myself doing this one twice a year and I even included your website on an article I wrote about alternative medicine. Thanks for making such a wonderful product! *

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Full Body Cleanse

It's been 4 weeks since I completed the Full Body Detox. I have done numerous detox programs and this one was a perfect fit for me with the combination of the dherbs and raw foods. I have lots of energy, released some weight, and have also adopted a new way of eating for myself. I am actually ready to start another detox (womens formula) next week. Thx Dherbs *

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Full Body Cleanse

This is truly one of the best detox products I have every used. I felt refreshed and full of energy at the end of the cycle. I was a little nervous about taking the pills, but once I got past that I was good to go. DHERBS you rock. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I started the Full Body Detox on November 1st and so far it has gone very well. In my first week of detoxing, I lost 7lbs! I also have experienced mental clarity and a greater ability to focus than ever before. I have more energy, especially in the mornings. I thought that I would miss my morning coffee, but 16 days in, I haven't had the craving for caffeine the way I used to before the detox. The detox really helps my body get rid of all the junk that I have put in it over the past few years. I will most definitely detox annually from now on. I wish everyone was open minded and would experience this for themselves? Thank you, *

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Full Body Cleanse

I heard about this Full Body Detox from someone who was trying to loose weight before a wedding. It took me 4 months before I tried the product myself, but now I'm glad that I did. I lost 13 pounds, and I did have cravings from time to time but did not loose focus. Great and natural way to cleanse the system with multiple benefits. *

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Full Body Cleanse

This past summer I noticed my brother taking the Full Body Detox. So, I asked him what it was and after talking to his wife and reading a little more about it, I decided to give it a try. While I wasn't excited about paying the cost for it, I was pleasantly surprised with the customer service rep, the shipping time and YES the product! Being an extremely busy individual, I'm always depleted of energy. Within a couple of days of following the regimen, I noticed increased energy and well-being. Although, I was on the go all day I found myself no longer in need of coffee or energy drinks. This product seemed to help keep my system running smoothly. I didn't experience any headaches or nausea feelings upon starting the program nor throughout. The informational provided with the product shared very important information and facts about how toxins destroy the body in everyday living. It was very insightful. Having not so flawless skin, I also noticed improvement in the appearance of my complexion. The ONLY reason I didn't give this product five stars is because I don't think I lost any weight. To be honest, I think it's because I didn't follow the program to the T. I will definitely recommend this product to anyone needing a boost when trying to develop better eating habits or just to cleanse the system itself. It's a new season and time for me to reorder. If you're anything like me after trying this product once, you will definitely be back for more! Enjoy.. Dherbs *

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Full Body Cleanse

I have been using the full body detox for a year, and I have found it to have a positive affect on my breathing, energy level, skin, and my weight control. Thank you for a great product. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I am almost finished with my Full Body Detox, and I didn't get sick like i read in some of the other reviews, but i did go to the bathroom a lot. Overall I feel better, and my skin is definitely clearer. I do feel more energized, and I am also not tired when i get up in the morning. Thanks Dherbs Anisha, Charlotte N.C *

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* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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