Reviews: Full Body Cleanse - Best Full Body Cleanse & Detox Product - Dherbs (page 98)

Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

Full Body Cleanse

Good Day, I started the Dherbs Full Body Cleanse approximately three weeks ago, (July 14, 2014) I heard about it from the Steve Harvey morning show and was contemplating purchasing it for a while. I finally decided to purchase the product and it was one of the best decisions that I have made. At first, the pills made me vomit, so I called the support team that is in place (which is very helpful) and was sent via e-mail, an alternative way to take the pills. After I switched to the alternative way of taking them, it was smooth sailing after that. In the beginning I was having a hard time eating raw everything, but I was not going to give up, besides it is expensive, LOL. I finally got used to eating raw and thought of different kind of ways to eat. Also, I am now drinking fruit and vegetable smoothies and they are delicious. I was on blood pressure medication for years and decided to not take them while doing the detox (took a chance) and lo and behold, my pressure has been great ever since. I am feeling very light and not walking around feeling full all the time. I don't know if I released any weight because, I don't weigh myself, but I can tell you that I feel lighter, my pants are feeling a little baggy on me, and my stomach went down. I am thinking about ordering the Weight Release Cleanse within the next week or so. For anyone who is thinking about getting this product, do not hesitate, it will be a life changing decision. I will continue to order some of the products and am looking forward to continuing this healthy journey that I am on. I would recommend this product to anyone who is looking to get healthy going forward in life. The support staff, Lisa and Tonya shout out to you both. You have been very kind and very helpful with all of my questions. Thank you very much Dherbs, I am on my way to a healthy and better way of living. *

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Full Body Cleanse

My husband and I finished our 20 day Full Body Cleanse. He lost 20+ lbs and I lost 25+ lbs. We feel great! We developed healthier eating habits too. Thank you. *

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Full Body Cleanse

The Full Body Cleanse eliminated all joint issues I had and left me feeling energetic. The tired sluggish feeling disappeared and I was able to workout the way I used to. The first day you may encounter a slight headache which I did but it went away. It is your body adjusting to the change. Now I am doing the 10 Full Body Cleanse Express since I did the 20 day Full Body Cleanse in December of 2013. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I have done the Full Body Cleanse twice this year. The 1st time I lost 21 pounds. I am still in the process of completing it for the 2nd time around and I've currently lost 12 LBS. This cleanse gave me so much more energy and cleared my skin as well. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I had a wonderful experience doing the Full Body Cleanse. I felt an overwhelming amount of energy during the cleanse. So much so that I was able to maintain my 3 day a week 1hr personal training session during the cleanse. I did get a little bored with the diet after 14 days in. I just have to be more creative next time. I was also able to figure out my food allergies once the cleanse was completed. I would definitely recommend this cleanse. *

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Full Body Cleanse

The Full Body Cleanse is the best cleanse I've tried to date. You start feeling the effects within the first week of doing it. I'll be doing this at least once a year going forward. *

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Full Body Cleanse

The Full Body Cleanse is AMAZING! I went from 214 to 187lbs (-27) and lost 13.5 inches overall. If you're disciplined and mentally strong enough to stick with the diet plan, take your pills as instructed and work out on a consistent basis throughout the 20-day period, you will definitely see results and feel better than ever! Thanks DHERBS! *

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Full Body Cleanse

Thank you D-herbs for the healthy natural cleansing. I am on day 9 of the Full Body Cleanse and I am down 11 lbs. I am liking what I see and what I feel. It has been tempting watching the food commercials and working in a fast food place that sells one of my favorite snack foods (Pizza), but I have stuck to my vegetables, fruit, nuts and water. *

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Full Body Cleanse

Thanks to DHerbs, me, my husband and another married couple completed the Full Body Cleanse. I stopped taking all current medications and I never felt better looking forward to another 20 days of the Full Body Cleanse. *

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* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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