Reviews: Maintenance Package

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215 results
  • Maintenance Package

    I did the Full Body Cleanse and had great results. I dropped a total of 15 pounds. When I finished I decided that I would start the the Maintenance Package to maintain the weight that I had an additional 10 pounds while using the Maintenance Package. Both of the products are great! I did recommend both cleanses to a couple of friends to try. *
  • Maintenance Package

    The maintenance program is working. I have lost another 3lb in weight. thanks. *
  • Maintenance Package

    I like the fact that there were less tablets to be taken at one given time, and I really liked the weight release tea. I was a little disappointed that I didn't lose as much weight with it as I did the total cleanse. Overall I was pleased with my purchase. *
  • Maintenance Package

    Using the maintenance package helped to maintain the weight loss achieved while on the full body cleanse. *
  • Maintenance Package

    The maintenance package continues to help maintain what the total body cleanse was doing. I lost another 7lbs with that. It was a good product *
  • Maintenance Package

    I have been doing the various 20 day programs for over 3 years. This program really helps me maintain when I am not on my 20 day programs. I really enjoy how it helps me feel better by helping me sleep better. I can not live without the maintenance program. I always tell my friends about how great the programs are and how this company has helped me change my life. *
  • Maintenance Package

    If you follow the instructions, it will work perfectly. For me, it has been consistent. Overall, Dherbs is great! *
  • Maintenance Package

    Right after my Anti-V and Uterus Cleanse. I decided to follow up with this package. It really helps to maintain the weight that I'm currently at. Pretty easy to follow.I would recommend it to anyone who wants to just maintain the weight you struggle so hard to loose. Good products Dherbs. *
  • Maintenance Package

    I was able to minimize my stomach. This program was easy to follow. *
215 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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