Reviews: Oxy-Oil (8 oz) - Ozonated Olive Oil (Natural Skin Oil, Herbal Skin Oil, Organic Skin Oil, Dherbs, Herbal Formulas, Herbal Remedies, Natural Remedies, Natural Remedies For Diaper Rash) (page 11)

Reviews: Oxy-Oil (8 oz)

Oxy-Oil (8 oz)

Thanks a lot this oil was the bomb! I used it mainly for this spot on my leg that was always dry and itching and so far it has calmed down and began to be smooth! I will get the fbd alongside to really maximize the effect. *

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Oxy-Oil (8 oz)

This oil is amazing. I scraped the top of my finger last night which caused the skin to tear away slightly and I immediately put a little Oz Oil on the affected area (wasn't sure it would work) but almost instantly the scrape stopped burning. I actually think it has healed overnight. I also use this oil all over my body after a shower (particularly before I go to bed at night) and I wake up in the morning with soft skin. I will continue to purchase this product for as long as you sell it. Thanks. *

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Oxy-Oil (8 oz)

I been using Oz oil for over an month, and I'm very happy with the results. I've tried lots of creams for athlete's foot but it always came back. Oz oil worked in just a few days, I use it for everything, I even take a teaspoon every day. *

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Oxy-Oil (8 oz)

I was getting razor bumps on the back of my head and neck everytime I got my hair cut which would spread and linger for a couple of weeks. Got the oz oil and used it immediately after the next time I got my haircut and the bumps were reduced drastically and only stayed a couple of days. *

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Oxy-Oil (8 oz)

I have been using several of your products for over a month and am very pleased. Your "Oxy Oil" has worked wonders for my skin. I suffered with eczema on my arms during the summer months and it cleared the problem. I also use it as an overall body moisturizer and I've noticed such a difference in my skin tone. Thank you so much for making this product available! *

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Oxy-Oil (8 oz)

My husband uses this product for his scar tissue. He was hit on the head with a baseball bat while defending himself from attackers. The top of his entire head is literaly-- rock hard scar tissue. The back of his head has a 4 inche by 2 inch raised scar tissue. He's tried everything from aloe vera, to onion, herbs, and using the "skintight" product to remove this scar tissue. We've had some small successes, however once I read the article on DHERBS stating that alcohol was bad for your body-- I immediately knew we had to stop using the skintight products which used to make him wince when using it. My husband has been using the Oz oil internally (2 tablespoons a day) as well as twice a day applying it to the scar tissue on his head directly (he was also on the full body detox while doing this program for the last 21 days). I can tell you that I've seen an amazing difference. The top of his head is a bit softer than it was before-- and the texture has completely changed. It used to be dark red, splotchy and I could see it was suffocating his skin- causing the top layers to flake slightly. Now it's flesh colored and there is no more dandruff at all. It looks moisturized and with continued use I know that it will get better with time. In the back-- i've seen remarkable results. The scar tissue has flattened out 1/4 an inch (1/2 inch raised of the back of his head)--he's already lost 1/2 of the raised thickness!!! It's flattening and it appears to be creaping in off the edges. With this much of change, I believe the entire back portion will be gone within a few months of continuous use. The coloring has changes as well from dark red, thick and tight-- to flesh colored softer skin that looks healthier. In some portions, I can see and touch his natural scalp- where scar tissue used to be!!! We've been told ("ask the herbalist" on this website)to also use MSM Sulfer and the Skin and Nails Formula in conjunction with the Oz Oil to bring back the hair growth he lost from the scar tissue suffocating his hair. I've seen amazing results and do see hair growing on top and in back of his head where it didn't before. These products are amazing and we will continue to purchase them until he comes to complete health. It's so nice to have a healthy, holistic forumla that heals the body internally rather than having to go to other expensive means such s hair restoration and surgery which doesn't heal the affliction- only covers it up. Many thanks!!! S.H. *

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Oxy-Oil (8 oz)

This Oz Oil is perfect for men who shave and need to hydrate their face. This works good with the Black Seed Soap.I use the Black Seed soap to cleanse my face first, then I rinse it off, relather my face with the soap,shave, and then apply the Oz Oil instead of the aftershave products that are sold in stores. My complexion is a lot better then it use to be because of this combination. I recommend this product for all men who shave and have problems with irritation after shaving. *

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Oxy-Oil (8 oz)

Love it, love it, love it! I originally bought this for my 1 year old with eczema. I’d tried everything and of course the doctor’s suggestions only made it worse. I use it on him daily after his bath and his skin is starting to improve already. No more itching in the middle of the night. I use it as well and I will definitely keep a bottle on hand. *

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Oxy-Oil (8 oz)

I use Oz oil on my skin and hair. My hair can go from looking dry to looking moisturized and healthy within minutes of application. My skin also shows immediate results. My body welcomes the natural attention and rejuvenation. *

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* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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