Reviews: Uterus Formula - Uterus Health Supplements (Herbs For Uterus Health, Uterus Cleansing Herbs, Dherbs, Supports Healthy Uterus, Herbal Supplements, Natural Supplements, Herbal Formulas, Cleanse) (page 8)

Reviews: Uterus Formula

Uterus Formula

This is a great product. I will be reordering! Also looking to try more Dherbs products. *

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Uterus Formula

Works very well if you take 3 as directed. The issues I was having, I have no more. I take in combination with menstrual cycle formula. *

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Uterus Formula

I turned 40 and my periods instantly became crazy (lasting over a week, coming frequently, cramping lots). While googling I found this and thought I'd give it a try. It sounds crazy, but the first day I started taking these, my period - which had been going on for over a week, stopped! It has been 4 months and my periods have stayed on schedule, only last 3-4 days and my cramps are minimal. It's a Godsend, miracle product! *

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Uterus Formula

Great product! Thanks for caring about our well-being! God Bless! *

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Uterus Formula

I love this product I have been using it for the past 3 months and I have seen a difference in my cycles. It has provided me with relief from back pain and my cramps are getting milder. I no longer have to take Aleve or Tylenol for the pain. There is also less pain within my uterus along with my cycles. Make sure to take as directed and continue to take this product for best results. *

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Uterus Formula

I've taken this and the Yoni cleanser together for about 4 months and started to feel results in the first month as far as having a better mood and less cramping.I had an issue with prolonged bleeding and cyst here and there, so I was prescribed Birth control, which I hate, so to avoid having to take that I've used these and LOVE IT. Now I have lighter and shorter periods with NO cramping or mood swings. I've used those as a cleanser to start , so over the past month I've taken the Menstrual Cycle Formula and its still working out great. Thanks DHerbs! *

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Uterus Formula

If you have any female problem's get this it will help you feel better. *

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Uterus Formula

This is my third bottle of the Uterus formula. I was on birth control due to fibroids and decided to get off of them. My cycle went back to it's old ways...on again for two weeks and off again for a week. This continued for months. Finally, I decided to stop being cheap and take the Uterus formula. I was "shook" really helped regulate my cycle and I stopped spotting in between cycles. Since then I have ordered the Anti V, Lymphatic and Blood, Vegan Protein and Sinus formulas. Dherbs products are frfr!!! No BS!! *

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Uterus Formula

More results than any other herbal formula. My wife tried new body formula and after several years it didn't show results like Dherbs formula has shown in less time. We're very pleased with this formula and highly recommended it. *

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* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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