Infomation about Anger


Anger is a basic human emotion that everyone is likely to experience at some point in life.  This natural reaction occurs when things are out of your control, a team you like loses, something doesn't go your way, expectations aren't met, or when you are humiliated.  Anger can be dealt with negatively or positively.  While the former can lead to violence, aggression, threatening others, or inability to control actions, the latter can allow the person to put things in perspective.  It is important to remember that Anger is an emotion, not a state of mind.


There are many symptoms to look out for when it comes to Anger.  One can identify an Anger problem based on behavioral traits.  If the person overreacts to a minor problem, becomes easily aggravated, or finds it difficult to calm the feeling of Anger, then he/she may have an Anger issue.  Other symptoms are listed below.

  • Reacting Violently (to small problems)
  • Punching Objects (to relieve the emotion)
  • Consistently Having the Same Argument
  • Breaking Things During an Argument
  • Lack of Sleep
  • Anxiety
  • Frustration
  • Depression
  • Social Isolation
  • Paranoia 

Often times, Anger disorders are the result of suppressed Anger or feelings that the individual has kept inside.  Because Anger is an emotion people experience as a reaction to something, many things can be the cause of it.  When someone gets angry, bodily reactions take place, for example, an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, intense sweating, or heavy breathing. Because Anger is a case by case emotion, it is important to identify the cause(s) that triggers Anger in you.  Common causes are:

  • Mental Health Issues
  • Depression
  • Poor Physical Health
  • Hunger
  • Pain
  • Withdrawal from Substances
  • Humiliation
  • Injustice
  • Financial Problems
  • Infidelity
  • Alcohol or Drug Abuse
  • Disappointment

Dherbs Approach...adjusting your diet is always key!

  • Be honest with yourself and admit that you have an Anger problem.  Looking at your behavior is key to identifying what triggers the Anger to arise.  Asking for or seeking help is not a sign of weakness.  Talking it out with someone or having therapy sessions can help the person identify the anger trigger.
  • Relaxation can help combat the feeling of Anger.  Meditation is a great way to keep Anger at bay and calm the mind.  Breathe deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth; you can even utter the words "relax" or "be calm" to audibly help yourself.  
  • Exercising can help take the mind of what angered you in the first place.  The mind focuses on the exercising, which is taking place, as opposed to anger trigger.  
  • Avoiding substances like drugs or alcohol is best when the person has an anger problem.  These substances alter one's emotions and can often increase the effects of Anger.  People can develop destructive tendencies or become violent when using these substances. 
  • Better communication helps people with Anger arrive at a clear conclusion.  People with Anger issues often jump to conclusions, causing them to be very inaccurate.  It's important to take a second, slow down, and realize what has been said.  This will allow the anger to subside and calmer, more rational thoughts will prevail. If Angry people jump to false or inaccurate conclusions, they can often feel criticized, but it's important to not fight back as that can lead to a destructive outcome. 
  • Endives
  • Radishes
  • Carrots
  • Seeds (sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds)
  • Raw Nuts (pecans, hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts, and coconuts)
  • Fennel
  • Celery
  • Purple Cabbage
  • Asian Pears
  • Bananas
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