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Ask The Herbalist
I recommend you take the 2nd Chakra elixir. The elixir helps YOU to open up your chakra. You have all the power, not the elixir. The elixir is just a tool. A closed chakra means many things and yes, it will result in some physical ailment in the area the chakra is located in. 2nd chakra ailments deal with emotions, sexuality, and relationships. Most women are damaged in one or more or all of these things which shuts down the chakra energy and eventually manifest in some kind of female reproductive area pathology like fibroid tumors. In all honesty, you would do well to detox your whole body ? BE WHOLISTIC, don't isolate! Detoxing helps to open up all the chakras of the body. Look into the Fibroid Buster kit as well. Read some of our free articles too.