Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

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  • Full Body Cleanse

    it was challenging for my first time doing this, but I did stick with the regimen. 4 to 5 days in I noticed that I slept better. As I continued, I didn't feel bloated, or full. Had more energy and dropped a few pounds. Bowel movements were as it should be. My skin appeared clearer. My daughter brought that to my attention. Overall I felt better than I had in awhile. The container provided for the product makes it convenient to stay on schedule and not forget to take the supplements at the designated time. I would recommend this product. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    The cleanse really did what it was designed to do. The only reason I gave a 4 out of 5 was bc of the amount of supplements you have to take daily and with a busy schedule it's a challenge to remember to take them all... I would try the cleanse again... maybe the 10 day Express bc I'm not sure I can do the vegan diet for 20 days. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    Great jump start to weight loss and Healthy eating habits, have been using for about 10 days and have noticed a weight change. I feel better than I did before I started and cannot wait to complete. My boyfriend has seen a difference and will try it as well. Thanks Dherbs I will be ordering again soon. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    The Full Body Cleanse helped me lose 15 pounds. It took a bit getting used to taking so many pills at the scheduled times. At the beginning it was a struggle. It also took a few days to get acclimated to a raw/vegan diet. I did not go full raw but have been on a mostly vegan diet since the cleanse. I do have 1 day a week where I will have some meat at one meal. Since, my first full body cleanse, I have been on the maintenance package plan but am going to do my 2nd full body cleanse at the end of the month and looking forward to more amazing results. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I just completed 20, days on the Dherbs full body cleanse and my skepticism has been tossed to the wind. I am wearing dresses that I haven’t worn in years & sliding into my skinnier jeans. The inches just melted away and a friend said my skin is glowing. The best thing I learned from this cleanse is all the junk I used to eat; I don’t need it. I eat better now and make smarter choices by packing raw fruits & vegetables when I am going to be on the road for hours. I even cheated on this cleanse by tricking my body. For example, I would consume several bites of raw fruits/vegetables followed by a fork full of protein. This would be followed by another helping of fruits/vegetables and washing it down with several ounces of Alkaline water. With all that cheating, I still lost weight. As my husband would say, “You are hitting & Holding”. Much thanks to Dherbs for creating a tried & true method for healthier living. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    The full body cleanse does involve self discipline, which I needed. There are alot of pills to take but since you are taking them so frequently naturally your water consumption increases, which I needed as well. I noticed a difference in my skin, my energy, and overall health. I didn't jump back in to my bad eating habits because I can feel the difference. I'm looking forward to trying other products. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    The FBC was great! Pill organizer made it easy. Eating raw veggies and fruits was at first a struggle, but got easier by week 2. I used a variety of veggies and fruits, which made it more exciting. Meal prepping was key for me. The pills were not harsh to my system at all! Slight headache for the first few days, but it went away by day 4. The inches I lost are impressive! *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I tried the full body cleanse and was pleasantly surprised. This was a long 20 day because i had not been eating correctly, I love sweets and chips. Lol. So getting in the mind set of eating a all raw diet was very hard. I had smoothies for breakfast and salads for lunch and dinner. My snacks were nuts and fruit. I released about 10 lbs and some inches, friends could see a difference. The Most important difference for me was the way i felt. I felt Amazing! I was no longer sluggish in the mornings. What i didn't like was all the pills but I powered thru. I will try the weight release cleanse next. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    My first experience with Dherbs was with the Full Body Cleanse and I was pleased with the results. I purchased it thinking I would lose between ten and fifteen pounds as others have experienced, but I did not. I did lose some weight and during the experience learned a great deal about eating raw foods and how to prepare them in different ways along with taking the products, so it did work for the purpose it was made for, to cleanse. The results have given me the confidence to become a repeat customer to try other products to improve my health needs. I am looking forward to my next experience. *
5035 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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