Reviews: 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express - The 10 Day Detox Program (Body Cleanse For Weight Loss, Dherbs, Herbal Supplements, Herbal Formulas, Natural Supplements, Herbal Products) (page 25)

Reviews: 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

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693 results
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    I do this cleanse about every 6 months. It takes away my cravings for sugar and motivates me to eat healthier! I look forward to doing it each time! I feel that it is all natural so I will continue to use it! I am so happy that I have discovered it! *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    I purchased the 10 day full body cleanse express. This product really helped to take the bloating out of my stomach. It boosted my energy and gave me a great jump start on my diet. I would definitely recommend this product if you are looking for a quick de-bloat and a way to lose some weight before an event. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    I love the product! It made me feel amazing! I lost inches. I’m not feeling fatigued. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    I tried the 10 Full Body Cleanse Express, it works extremely well. I enjoyed during the yoga strengthening and also the strict diet was helpful too. I’m a healthy eater so following the food meal plan was smooth sailing for me. In addition I really enjoyed the 30 minute cleanse soak in the tub. The first two days were the hardest because of the impurities leaving my body. After my 30 minute hot bathe. I had the worst headache , I felt extremely nauseous and I was weak. All of these were symptoms described in the booklet that I had. Lol I did say I’m a healthy eater. However with that being said even eating healthy can be impurities because of all the other things, such as the air we breathe is poisonous. On that note I will say that after my 10 days were up, I felt GREAT! Thanks Dherbs. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    I was extremely satisfied with the 10 day Full Body Cleanse. I have incorporated it in my lifestyle in between doing the Full Body Cleanse. GREAT PRODUCT!!! THANK YOU!!!! *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    My wife and I have done both the 10 and 20 day full body cleanse and experienced excellent results. It was indeed a challenge but also indeed worth it. Now, we will do the 10 day FBC at least twice a year and we are very pleased with how it works for us. It helps us to get back on track after our vacation and/or the holiday season. Just remember to get your mind right before you start (get "in the zone"), follow ALL the guidelines to achieve the highest level of success in removing as many impurities and unwanted waste from your system, and stay positive. You'll be surprised how great you feel during and after the process. When we did the 20 day cleanse (our first time) I lost 22 pounds and my wife lost 14 pounds. On the 10-day cleanse I lost 16 pounds and my wife lost 9 1/2 pounds. Of course, the dominate purpose of doing a DHERBS cleanse is not to loose weight, it's to cleanse the body's organs however in doing so you're bound to lose some weight which is great I think. This time around I think we'll both probably achieve the best results thus far because we've familiarized ourselves even more with all the various ways we can prepare the foods we eat during the cleanse. The DHERBS website is great in helping with that. We definitely recommend DHERBS full body cleanse to anyone who is conscience about their health and their all around well-being. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    The 10-day cleanse exceeded my expectations. I followed it exactly and lost 6 pounds and look much leaner. I am already quite fit and active and wasn’t expecting to lose more than a few lbs. I still exercised during the cleanse although it was discouraged, but I also felt lightheaded when I did on most occasions. My friend and I did this together and she lost 4 lbs without exercising. I’m planning to do this cleanse again later in the year, especially before my next beach vacation. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    Will recommend to others in the future. All herbs worked as expected. *
  • 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Express

    Absolutely enjoyed it. I Lost 7lbs and it want hard for me to eliminate meat and dairy. Now I find myself more mindful Of what I eat after the cleanse and choosing more vegan options. Luckily for me I love all food and vegetable so getting more creative with them was actually find. I will continue on this healthy journey and looking forward to the maintenance package which is next. *
693 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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