Reviews: Blood & Lymphatic

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108 results
  • Blood & Lymphatic


    I absolutely love the Blood & Lymphatic formula. I always use this when I start to feel sluggish. I can always feel a difference within 24 - 48 hours. I love the convenience of the capsules and I keep a spare in my office. It's a staple in our apothecary at home!! Thank you DHerbs. You continue to be a lifesaver. *

  • Blood & Lymphatic

    Ordered it. Recived it. Opened it. Had high hopes of it taking away my eye bags. Didn't think it did much one way or the other. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I do not feel as sluggish when I take this product. Works great and I'm purchasing my second bottle. My boyfriend also takes these and he is seeing the same results as I am. Doing our first lymphatic massage after this and will probably make a difference. I would recommend this to anyone who had lymphatic issues. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    This product helps you have clear skin. It also helps you go to the bathroom more to help get rid of unwanted waste. It helps you go more often but it doesn't make you rush to the bathroom. It doesn't hurt your stomach or cramp you. I like it because I can tell its aiding to cleaning my system out. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I have been using this product for a very long time and I share it with my family. They tell me its been helping them too. Also, because it really works. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I feel great but I'm not sure if it is from your product because most of the time I feel great. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    I tried the Blood & Lymphatic Formula because I received a blood transfusion. I am confident that it helped filter impurities in my blood along with prayer. I maintained a normal body temperature and no side effects. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    The blood and lymphatic formula worked wonders on my skin. I saw a difference in my skin tone, especially on my face. I would recommend this to anyone. *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    My skin is showing the biggest improvement I've seen in years. Thanks Dherbs! *
  • Blood & Lymphatic

    The pills help my skin look better. My under eyes are not as dark, will order again for the 3rd time. *
108 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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