Reviews: Brain Booster Tea

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35 results
  • Brain Booster Tea


    This tea is very effective. I drink it during my creative times when I need to write and flush out ideas. I will drink this along with the nerve-calming tea, turn on some binaural beats and type away! Be careful tho you will focus so hard that you'll lose track of time LOL. I will definitely buy this tea again. *

  • Brain Booster Tea

    This tea had a great flavor to it. I did have to add a little sweetener. I did feel more aware and focused while drinking it. I usually had some in the morning and added hot water throughout the day. I honestly slept a lot better on days that I drunk the tea. It lasted about 3 weeks from the day I bought it. I may order it again in the future. *
  • Brain Booster Tea

    I use the tea and felt the difference in my thinking. I would recommend anybody to use this. *
  • Brain Booster Tea

    Hello I tried the brain booster tea and I believe I saw a slight difference. *
  • Brain Booster Tea

    Not sure if this tea has had an affect on my ability to focus and improving my brain power. I was using it while in the whole body cleanse . Your mind is clearer anyway when you are eating healthier. I will try it now that I've completed to see if I see a difference. The tea was pleasant to drink however with no additives. *
  • Brain Booster Tea

    Crazy how taking the Brain Booster Tea has helped me concentrate better... I try to drink it while I study :) again, awesome product by Dherbs. *
  • Brain Booster Tea

    Great product awakening, uplifting and refreshing, I noticed it's no longer available when will it return? *
  • Brain Booster Tea

    The Brain Tuner tea has been beneficial for my overall health regimen. My thinking process is much more clearer than before. I will continue using this product because it just works! *
  • Brain Booster Tea

    The tea really worked, it keeps me focus through out my daily living. *
  • Brain Booster Tea

    This BRAIN TUNER tea was great, I definitely noticed the increased energy level and my thoughts were a lot clearer. *
35 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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