Reviews: Colon & Digestive Tract

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216 results
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    The Colon formula is great, and it works great in combination with Sen Fen Formula. It keeps you regular and consistent, just as the advertisment say. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    Very thorough cleansing without any unpleasant side effects while using the Colon Formula. There was no bloating or griping as with other colon products that I have tried. It works overnight especially when combined with the detox tea. Excellent. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    This Colon Formula is a staple in my home, I have recommended this to friends and family. Its absolutely amazing, its the first of its kind that doesn't gripe the stomach and gives easily pleasant stool elimination. Thanks so much *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    Colon Formula is an awesome product to get things moving...This is a good supplement to add to your everyday regimen. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    I really love the Colon Formula. My stomach doesn't hurt when I take it and I can still go to work and school while it's in my system. I turned a coworker on to it and she loves it too. The Colon Formula is easy to digest and settles well. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    This Colon Formula is the best intestinal cleanser on the market. I feel 100% better since using this. I have more energy and my colon is in perfect health according to my Doctor. I will most definitely purchase the Colon Formula again and again and again. Asante sana Dherbs. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    I have just completed day 7 of the 10-Day Colon Cleanse and have officially lost 9 pounds!! I still have 3 more days of the cleanse to go. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    I used the Colon Formula to prepare my body for the Full Body Detox. I detox at least two (2) times a year. By using the Colon Formula, I feel better and ready to start my Full Body Detox. Thank you for a great product that helps keep the colon tract healthy. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    The Colon Formula is a great source for easing bloating and bulging bellies. I use it between my cleansing periods to help keep me regular. I detox 3 times a year and to give me and my wallet a break. The colon formula helps rebuild a healthy colon tract. When taking the colon pills I feel better, lighter, refreshed and energized after a few days on the formula. The colon formula will eject any heavy unhealthy foods you eat while on these pills within 24hrs trust me I know. For those who can't afford the Full Body Detox start off with the colon formula and I promise you will feel much better. Thanks *
216 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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