Reviews: Colon & Digestive Tract - The Colon Cleanse Supplement (Natural Digestive Cleanse, Gut Cleanse Supplement, Dherbs, Herbal Supplements, Herbal Formulas, Full Body Cleanse (page 16)

Reviews: Colon & Digestive Tract

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219 results
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    Very thorough cleansing without any unpleasant side effects while using the Colon Formula. There was no bloating or griping as with other colon products that I have tried. It works overnight especially when combined with the detox tea. Excellent. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    This Colon Formula is a staple in my home, I have recommended this to friends and family. Its absolutely amazing, its the first of its kind that doesn't gripe the stomach and gives easily pleasant stool elimination. Thanks so much *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    Colon Formula is an awesome product to get things moving...This is a good supplement to add to your everyday regimen. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    I really love the Colon Formula. My stomach doesn't hurt when I take it and I can still go to work and school while it's in my system. I turned a coworker on to it and she loves it too. The Colon Formula is easy to digest and settles well. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    This Colon Formula is the best intestinal cleanser on the market. I feel 100% better since using this. I have more energy and my colon is in perfect health according to my Doctor. I will most definitely purchase the Colon Formula again and again and again. Asante sana Dherbs. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    This product works great! It's very subtle to my stomach. I would definitely recommend this product!! *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    Dherbs Colon Formula is the best on the market. Works great!! Have tried many other cleansers before but none with the great results that I've had using this product. I feel lighter and healthier than I have in years! *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    OMG..This is the absolute best formula for moving your bowels. I will always have a need for it and I am learning so much from your knowledge..keep it coming. *
  • Colon & Digestive Tract

    This formula is swift yet easy and pain free on the stomach I've recommended it to all my friends. I won't use any other products except from Dherbs your products are amazing thanks!!!!! *
219 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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