Reviews: Electric Greens Combo

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60 results
  • Electric Greens Combo


    Another awesome Dherbs product!! I can feel the difference and my energy is great after taking this product. *

  • Electric Greens Combo

    I was taking the electric greens in conjunction with the full body cleanse. I experienced some constipation so I've stopped taking all of it - as of now. I will not take them together because I don't really know if it was the greens and body cleanse together or just the greens. I've never had that problem with the body cleanse alone. *
  • Electric Greens Combo

    I enjoyed the product. I could really feel the difference when taking the Electric Greens Combo. *
  • Electric Greens Combo

    Great for boosting energy! *
  • Electric Greens Combo

    This ranks second to none { FBD ranks first} in my book. Been dealing with DHERBS for over 7yrs. and is one of thier best. Keeps me alkaline and well nourished throughout the day. Their EGC cleanse is one I do at least twice a year. Thanks DHERBS. *
  • Electric Greens Combo

    As a breastfeeding mother the Electric green cell food was Safe and easy for me to take. It provides your body with the essential nutrients it needs. It also helped me produce more milk. Overall this is a great product *
  • Electric Greens Combo

    This is my first time trying Electric Greens Cell Food, it is a wonderful product to clean your system i did see a different. *
  • Electric Greens Combo

    I tried the Electric Green Combo because my brother recommended it and as usual he was right. I absolutely love this product!!!! It really works. I feel better, my hot flashes are GONE, I have more energy and more importantly and am regular. As long as I eat right, drink plenty of water and exercise, I can really tell the difference. Thanks again Dherbs for all that you do. *
  • Electric Greens Combo

    I feel great after taking the Electric Greens, gives me a multi effect on energy and appetite. Good Stuff!!!! *
  • Electric Greens Combo

    The Electric Greens Cell Food Formula is a great product. While taking this formula it cleansed me on the regular, I have lots of energy throughout the day, and my body feels nourished. *
60 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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