Reviews: Eye Formula

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  • Eye Formula


    Let me just say this simply and plain, I've used this product in the past and I loved it. Apparently I needed it at the time and it made my vision better. I just ordered another bottle as my vision seems to be a little blurry at times. These pills are very easy to swallow and IT WORKS !!! I love this product. Thanks Dherbs for your wonderful products. I will be ordering this particular product again. *

  • Eye Formula

    The eye formula helped me. I have chronic dry eyes. I like the product . *
  • Eye Formula

    I started taking the Eye Formula because I use the computer a lot at work. Since taking the Eye Formula my eyes are starting to feel better. *
  • Eye Formula

    I have been using the Eye Formula (along with the pinhole glasses) for about 4 weeks. Thanks DHERBS. *
  • Eye Formula

    The Eye Formula is a great product for your eyes and the Eye Tea as well. I see an improvement. Thanks Dherbs. *
  • Eye Formula

    I have better focus, which is clearer definition. So it did improve my vision. I recommend it. *
  • Eye Formula

    The Eyes Formula is useful, along with drinking blueberry juice made by Lakewood or Knudsen brands :-) *
  • Eye Formula

    Great. Cause according to some doctors I know these ingredients are the real deal when it comes to seeing with a clear vision and helps bring things like glaucoma to a head. *
  • Eye Formula

    I purchased this product for my daughter. She will continue with this. Thanks ! *
  • Eye Formula

    I've used almost the full bottle of Eye Formula and I still need my glasses. However, I do feel like my eyes are not as sore and burning as before I started using the formula. I will continue to use this product because I believe that my eyes are in bad shape and I still read and use computers daily. I hope maybe after the next bottle I'll see better improvement to my vision. Nonetheless, I had a round mark on right side of my face, its been there for some years and I've tried various remedies to clear it, but none ever worked. Since I have been taking the formula daily, I noticed it has gotten lighter and flatter, I think it has something to do with me taking this formula. I will be placing my order this week and keep an update. *
59 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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