Reviews: Eye Formula

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60 results
  • Eye Formula

    Good product the capsules are not hard to swallow will purchase agaiN. THANKS DHERBS. Works well with the eye tea. Both are excellent products. It also has positive benefits. It may well work differently for each individually. One would just have to try it to benefit. They are all herbs and I love that about the product Good Earth Earthly product. *
  • Eye Formula

    I love it!!! I told my friends and family about it. *
  • Eye Formula

    I take one tablet a day. My eyes feel better. *
  • Eye Formula

    This supplement helped the redness decrease that I would have in both eyes in the morning and see clearer. *
  • Eye Formula

    EYE FORMULA IS THE BEST!! After a few days I realized that my sight was getting better. It's definitely one of my favorite Dherbs products. *
  • Eye Formula

    I bought this for myself but I gave it to my mom she had a problem with her eyes. This product not only reduces the swelling but also cleared up her sight and the doctors are no longer concerned with the swelling and bulge that was there. Remarkable product. Thank you and keep up the excellent work on offering it. *
  • Eye Formula

    Love the improvement of my eye sight since I started taking the eye formula. I not longer have to wear my glasses when I'm working on the computer (which is 8 hours a day). When I try and put on my glasses they are now blurry. I'm going on my third bottle and could not be happier. *
  • Eye Formula

    Due to work, I spend a lot of time on the computer. This causes my eyes some challenges like dryness, blurred vision, fatigue. The dry eye formula helps relieve these symptoms. Used with the pinhole glasses they provide great support and strengthening. As with all herbs give it a chance to get through your system and work. *
  • Eye Formula

    This product (like all the other Dherbs products) really works! I was going to my primary care doctor and eye doctor but about 2 months because my right eye kept getting red. Did a lot of blood test and all came back normal so was trying to keep me on a steroid forever to make it go away or be less red! So they did not only cure it but could not tell me why it was happening. So I purchased Dherbs eye formula and been taking 2 everyday for last 3 months and my eye does not get red anymore! And I am not on a steroid! wow, thank you Dherbs!!! *
60 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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