Reviews: Full Body Cleanse Tea - Body Detox Herbal Tea (Colon Cleanse Herbs, Kidney Detoxification, Detox Herbal Tea) (page 20)

Reviews: Full Body Cleanse Tea

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186 results
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    The full body cleanse tea has a soothing, calming effect on my system. I drank it warm while doing the Full Body Cleanse. It helped with waste elimination. *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    This tea is the best tea ever. The taste of it is wonderful and not over bearing. It’s smooth on the stomach and your system will love it! I am glad I bought 2 bags. I am getting ready to reorder in a week. Thank you sooo much for producing this product and making it available to us! *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    First of all I love tea, so I was excited to try. This tea tastes delicious and it really works- it has cleared out my tummy successfully. The tea performs in a gentle way and won't cause painful trips to the bathroom or any sense of urgency to use the bathroom. I drink this several times a day, everyday. I know many other reviews mention they do not drink it everyday. It gives me the spark of energy that is truly natural. This tea has curbed my appetite when I am hungry and have lost the weight I put on these past several years. It is an all around, very positive, natural tea for everyone's body. :-) *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    This tea cleared my belly out! I was suffering from ibs and very bad gas but this has been regulating me and I'm no longer taking pills. It has a mellow taste and I love the stay fresh pouch it comes in, its easy to make, and is relaxing taken before bed. This is a must have stable in your home. I will buy again. *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    I tried the full body cleanse tea not knowing what to expect but I love it. It works really well and the taste is great. I will continue to order this product. The tea is not hard on my stomach and it helps me use the bathroom regularly without stomach cramps. The full body cleanse tea is very affordable not nearly as expensive as other cleansing teas I have seen. *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    This product was amazing. I lost 5 lbs. of body waste just taking this product alone. However, to my surprise it was not offered in the Full Body Cleanse and I had to purchase it separately. Thumbs Up! :) *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    I really like the flavor of this tea and it's soothing. It comes with the 10 day cleanse but I have ordered it over and over because I like the taste of it. I stir in my collagen powder each morning and enjoy my full body cleanse tea. *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    By far my favorite cleanse. I've tried a lot of others and this is the only one that actually seemed to work without making me gassy and keeping me on the toilet 24/7. I felt less bloated and more energized. I would recommend this full body cleanse to anyone who can't tolerate the others. The taste isn't to bad either but I liked mine more after it had cooled a little. *
  • Full Body Cleanse Tea

    I recommend the FBC to everyone!! I must admit finding good recipes was the hardest part of my FBC...but it was well worth it!!!! I’ve never felt so good!! Not only do you feel awake and energetic, you sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed. I even felt that I and my breathing was better. I lost 11lbs and was happy with that because overall I just felt...for lack of better words MARVELOUS!! After I completed my FBC several months later my husband tried and he continues to tell me he’s never felt better! We both are about to do the FBC again which I’m really excited about. Who would’ve thought of being excited to eating raw veggies and taking pills to cleanse would be something your looking forward to!! *
186 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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