Reviews: Full Body Cleanse - Best Full Body Cleanse & Detox Product - Dherbs (page 1)

Reviews: Full Body Cleanse


Full Body Cleanse

So far I love this product. I feel better eating raw foods and I'm looking better just by eating Whole Foods. I am going to the bathroom more than I used to. I Definitely will recommend this product. I was already a vitamin taker so I'm used to all the pills, I'm doing my best to stay on schedule. *

Full Body Cleanse

Many Thanks Dherbs: I have been on your Full Body Cleanse, completed the program. I was extremely overweight at 350 lbs. I now weight 290 lbs. I have before and after photos, I am now on the Pancreas Kit program. Anytime I get weak and want to eat the junk I ate to become overweight, I revert back to your "Dherbs articles". I even take articles with me during the day to remind me of the filth I came from. I know I have a long way to go, my blood pressure was very high, but taking the Pancreas kit, drinking water and the correct foods will reduce my blood pressure. I am making great decisions thru out my life. I am now going to get a colonic and continue on this program for life. I thank you Dherbs, I recommended others who have seen my progress. *

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Full Body Cleanse

Before DHERBS, I never really slowed down for myself. Continuously working and going to school full time, as well as, starting my own business. I knew I wanted to something for myself but wasn't sure. At the time, I was not truly familiar with what a full body cleanse was, nor did I know what it entailed. I had seen a friend, who I now call my sister, going through the full body cleanse. The first thing I noticed was her skin was radiating, her eyes shiny, her attitude positive, and she seemed very relaxed in an extremely stressful work environment. I could remember how I longed to be healthy like her. So I asked her what she was doing that was different. She told me about the DHERBS full body cleanse. Little did I know at the time, my journey began; bringing conscious awareness inward and starting the changes within. When I started my journey, it was not easy, for I had to prepare and gradually wean myself off of caffeine, sugar, dairy and meat. I did not know if I could do the full 21 days. It took a lot of self discipline. Not only was I eating better, but I found myself reading more books, watching less television, breathing fuller, and meditating (something I didn't really know how to do). Since then I have completed my second full body cleanse, and now working on my third. Just like the seasons, each full body cleanse is different. I have learned a great deal about myself as a whole, and I continue to learn. I have a new connection with myself, and my surroundings. I am now more aware of what types of food I am supplying my body, and products I am putting on my body. I now call my body, my own little universe, and I take responsibility of what happens in my universe. For the first time in many years, I feel alive! Thank you DHERBS for helping me experience healing. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I completed the Full Body Detox last month and I can sincerely say that it changed my perspective about my body and what I put in it. I didn't realize the severity of the damage that I was doing to my body until I began the body detox. I approached the detox not knowing if I had it in me to complete it. The most compelling force that kept me consistent with the detox was an overwhelming desire to create change in the way that I was feeling and the way that I understood food and its ability to help my body or harm it. I certainly did not want to wake up at 40 and deal with the many health problems that I've seen so many women in my family deal with...such as diabetes, cancer, fibroid tumors and obesity. Thank you for helping me make better decisions. You've given me the tools to completely transform my state of health and well being. I would recommend this detox to anyone that is interested in not just weight loss but healthy living and eating. *

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Full Body Cleanse

A Life Changing Experience Rocky vs. Drago is what the Full Body Detox is like. Clearly Drago is our bodies and mind holding us back and fighting with us all the way as we attempt to reestablish our balance and alignment. The Full Body Detox is an ideal product that symbolic of the spirit of Rocky. I did the Detox to balance my body (my blood pressure went from 151/91 to 122/75) and to lose weight ( I loss 34 pounds). I very much doubted the positive impact that the detox would have on my life and thought it was like the Wizard of Oz. I was absolutely WRONG. The Full Body Detox is great product and I would recommend it to anyone. After losing 34 poundsI I'm able to run again. As each day goes on and you see the benefits you will begin to defeat your own personal Drago (poor health eating habits, lack of energy and drive) and begin to hear than Rocky Music playing in your life. *

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Full Body Cleanse

Thanks Dherbs for the great product and knoweldge that Dherbs provides. Some "natural" or "alternative" medicine products like vitamins and other miracle pills are giving the natural health food industry a bad name by proclaiming certain outcomes and when people try them and are unsuccessful they say they have tried everything to no avail. I regularly detox by fasting, green drinks, teas, etc, and pride myself in only taking things wherein i can see a relative effect. With the FBD, I saw the effect within days and the before/after is like night/day and not only do i notice the improvement, but everyone else does too. Some products make impossible claims of healing and weightloss without emphasizing dietary changes, but i beleive if you stick to the recommended dietary regiment and the herbs in the FBD kit, you will see a rejuvenation of your entire body. The FBD is by far the best product on the market and the dietary concept is great as well. *

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Full Body Cleanse

Greetings, I'v-e been familiar with the science of detoxing and fasting and its extremely beneficial effects on the human organism. I'm no stranger to it, but I must say after using FULL BODY DETOX, I was sincerely amazed at its efficacy. Especially the speed at which it works in the body. I'd had sinus congestion for many years and the FULL BODY DETOX cleared it up in a week. As a practioner of various meditition techniques, correct breathing is essential. Also as a nighttime underground subway worker, ingestion of many toxins is inescapable. This DETOX program comes right on time. Thank you, and continued success towards healthy living. *

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Full Body Cleanse

Thanks Dherbs for the Full Body Detox Kit. My brother told me about this product so I order it and I lost 30 lbs. in 3 weeks along with workingout. Before I Detox I had a sharp pain in my right upper chest, its no longer their. I feel so much better. I workout Monday - Friday, and eat less. I plan to Detox again in Febuary. *

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Full Body Cleanse

Dear Dherbs, I would like to thank you for your product which has changed my life. I'm 40 years old; I'm a stay home mom, I have 3 kids and no time for myself. I tried so many plans/diets but none of them ever worked for me. I started to have health problems because of my weight and lack of exercise. My doctor told me I needed to lose at least 30 pounds. My friend uses your products religiously and recommended the DETOX . I was scared first because I couldn't imagine myself not to eat desserts and other goodies. I started and how I was surprised... I didn't feel any need to cheat the first ten days, second half was a little harder because I started to long for some sweets but I stayed strong telling myself, "you have only few days left". I also started to visit gym 3 times a week because I suddenly had so much energy and felt so good inside and out. I lost 35 pounds and I??ve been able to keep it off for over a year. The second time I did the Full Body Detox I lost 15 pounds more. This is my third time ordering the Detox and I can??t wait! I'm loving life!!! Yours forever, Jane *

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Full Body Cleanse

The full body detox is body needed it and responded so well to it. It cleansed more than i bargained for, and it was worth the 3 weeks it took. The biggest challenge was my mind. You will see immediate changes in your skin, hair, breath and over all body. This isn't just for people trying to loose weight, i'm 122 lbs. but i was very toxic and lethargic after some curve balls life had thrown my way. Clarity came quickly and the full body detox has helped me be less emotional and make better life decisions. Life is wonderful, Thank you Dherbs! *

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* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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