Reviews: Full Body Cleanse - Best Full Body Cleanse & Detox Product - Dherbs (page 123)

Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

Full Body Cleanse

Hello, I started my Full Body Cleanse on May 20th and prior to this, I thoroughly read the booklet that came with it and highlighted many key pointers before I went to shop for my raw foods and water. I'm on day 13 and I'm doing great! I feel wonderful, free, and light inside. I have lost 10lbs so far. My goal is to lose a total of 20lbs. Day 1 I felt a little weak toward the end of the day. Days 2 and 3 I had a slight headache, outside of these issues I did wonderfully and no other issues. I know food could not be cooked in any form above 115 degrees (which is no longer considered raw). I never liked water before, now of course I am drinking it and hope to keep this habit up after the cleanse is over along with making better food choices. I have been telling other people about my experience hoping that they will also join in. I did this on my own and I had days when I felt like I missing certain foods or at least I thought I did. However, I take one day at a time and my end date is June 8th. Thanks for such a wonderful product. *

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Full Body Cleanse

This will be my fifth time on the DHerbs full body cleanse. Each time I have done the cleanse, I noticed a change in my skin complexion, an increase in my energy level and an increase in my day-to-day focus and positive attitude that becomes infectious. The added bonus is the weight loss!! I am now more conscious of my food intake and eating more healthy, but sometimes fall off and indulge in my favorite foods. I use the cleanse when I feel sluggish so that I can give my body a cleanse and get that needed energy boost. I have recommended the cleanse to my friends and colleagues and we have done the cleanse together. I would recommend the full body cleanse as a tool that prepares you for an easy, healthy life-style change upon completion. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I have done the Dherbs Full Body Cleanse 2 times and it is the best cleanse I've ever used. It's easy to follow and I sleep better and I had digestive problems and it really help me. I'm about to do the cleanse again and I rate it 100%. I like to cleanse every season change. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I first heard about the DHerbs Full Body Cleanse two years ago on the Steve Harvey Morning Show and was immediately interested in trying it. I went to my financee and asked if he would do it with me. He was hesitant at first, but soon gave in when I told him it should improve his high cholesterol and high blood pressure problems. With that said he agreed. We ordered it and started out doing very well. We tried different raw vegan recipies and even sought out vegan restaurants in our area. It was quite a journey and experience. However, unlike myself, he stayed fully committed and the results were unbelievable for him. While he was already slim, he lost a lot of weight, his cholesterol and blood pressures numbers changed significantly and his flatulence smell changed – for the better:) However, for myself, success was not totally the same. This had nothing to do with the cleanse, it was my lack of commitment. I felt guilty because he stayed so committed that I decided a year later to try it again by myself. Once again, I did not stay completely committed, but I did feel tremendously better. So much so, that I'm ready to do it yet again. I already know this cleanse works and if followed as instructed the result can be life changing. I’m prepared to quit smoking and would like to lose some weight and I cannot think of any other cleanse/diet to kick start this with then DHerbs. Thank you! *

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Full Body Cleanse

My dad and I did the full body cleanse and although the first week was rough adjusting to taking the supplements, diet changes, and the mental change we had to go through of wanting to eat the wrong things- we both felt amazing afterward! Your energy level increases two-fold. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I have completed the Full Body Cleanse twice and both times I have noticed such a big difference. Not just in my physical appearance, but also how I felt overall. I had so much more energy and I just felt better. My joints did not ache, my stomach did not hurt, I did not have cravings for sweets and my skin cleared up tremendously! I will continue to use this product (every 8-12 months) as it literally does what the name says... cleanses. Completing this cleanse while working out makes it work even better and I noticed a bigger weight loss the second time I completed the cleanse. I would recommend this to anyone! *

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Full Body Cleanse

The Full Body Cleanse is a great product. It works! Just follow instructions and endure even if it's hard. I lost 7 pounds in only 3 days. I will do this cleanse again. *

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Full Body Cleanse

The Full Body Cleanse is very easy product to use, I was very skeptical at first about how much weight I was actually going to loose. However in the end I lost 18 pounds in just 20 days! best way to kickstart weight release definitely planning on continuing with this! *

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Full Body Cleanse

The Full Body Cleanse is the cleanse to get. This cleanse really works. I did the Full Body Cleanse two times in a row. I lost 25 pounds and now I'm doing the maintenance package. I recommended the full body cleanse to 5 of my friends and they love the results that they received. I feel healthy and much lighter. This cleanse makes you aware of what you are eating and it motivates you to stay away from eating the junk foods. I highly recommend this product to everyone that's in need of a good healthy cleanse. *

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* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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