Reviews: Full Body Cleanse - Best Full Body Cleanse & Detox Product - Dherbs (page 136)

Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

Full Body Cleanse

I did the Full Body Cleanse twice in 2015 and had excellent results. I plan to do it again in 2016. I felt like a new person, my head was clearer, my body felt lighter, my mood was lifted and I loss 30lbs. The cleanse is not for the weak. You have to be strong and dedicated throughout the process. After the 20 days, I continued with the raw diet for 4 months and never felt more proud of myself. I recommend it to everyone who has health issues and want to lose weight all the time. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I was happy with the results that came from me using DHERBS full body cleanse. I told my home boys about it and they were so encouraging and saw the difference in my weight loss. I wasn't tried and had more energy after I started on DHERBS. I can truly say that after using DHERBS my life has changed only for the better. *

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Full Body Cleanse

EXCELLENT PRODUCT! The 1st time I used this product, I lost 17lbs. With very little exercise, so imagine if I had exercised as I should the amount of weight I would've lost. But I did follow the intake of the cleanse, eating just all raw foods as well as taking the baths and elevating my feet over my head 30 minutes daily along with other highly recommendations correctly and I felt and looked GREAT internally as we'll externally. The Full Body Cleanse helped with my headaches, irritability, energy level as well as other hormonal issues :) so I HIGHLY recommend this product ;) and I'm now going to try the Female Cleanse :) *

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Full Body Cleanse

I absolutely love the full body cleanse I have done it twice and I love that I'm able to feel good not just physically, but mentally and spiritually. I lost a total of 23 pounds when I did it the first time but allowed negativity back into my life and I gained 10 of those pounds back. So I did the full body cleanse again because I'm about great I felt when I did it the first time and I lost the 10 pounds along with five extra pounds of 15 in total and I just love the cleanse and I recommend it to anybody that wants to feel good about themselves. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I did the full body cleanse about six months ago and when I did it yes it was tough at first having to change your eating habits but once I got into it it started to become a breeze. I got the best sleep ever, I had more energy and felt good about myself and started to see results in the first week. *

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Full Body Cleanse

I love this product. I followed the directions and lost 20lbs. I lost several inches on my waist. I am more energetic. I feel rejuvenated and haven't felt this good in years. I definitely recommend trying this product! *

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Full Body Cleanse

I completed the full body cleanse on December 24th and it has lived up to it's name. To all of you that may be thinking about trying it I encourage you to try it, It Works! I started out at a weight of 224lbs. and ended at the weight of 206lbs. I am down 18 pounds. The weight loss has encouraged me to keep going with my eating habits, My goal is to get under 200lbs. The full body cleanse has allow me to make a healthy lifestyle change. For all of you that think you can't do, yes you can. Before the cleanse I was a food junkie, yes I loved eating sweets, chocolate,coffee(extra sugar & cream), and all the foods we shouldn't have I ate(lots of & all the time). Today I don't crave the sweets. And even my family and friends have told me how they can see weight loss in my face and neck, just from the cleanse, I didn't do any exercise it was all the Full body cleanse. So the cleanse was my jumpstart and now I will continue with the clean eating habits and exercising. Thanks Dherb! *

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Full Body Cleanse

Me and my eight coworkers truly loved herbs. It is a wonderful product that lives up to its name. We have lost pounds and inches that is quite noticeable to our family and friends. It feels good to pull anything out of the closet and it fits, how great is that. Needless to say, we are starting our second phase because we are fans. *

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Full Body Cleanse

The first time I heard about the Full Body Cleanse, was on the Steve Harvey Morning show. At first I was skeptical about trying it, because I had based it on the unsuccessful results that I'd experienced with other detox/cleanse/weight lost products. I won't lie it took me a good 3 months of listening to Steve, and the Morning show (raving about the amazing results they had), before I made the decision to do the full body cleanse. All I can say is "WHAT TOOK ME SO LONG". This was one of the best decisions I'd made. I began the FBC on Monday, and by Wednesday morning I had lost 4 lbs.(talk about motivation). By day 20, I had lost a total of 14 lbs. Like I mentioned previously, I had tried other weight lost methods, but this was different. Different because I lost weight in all of my areas of concern (stomach, hips, buttocks, and arms. My skin was radiant, my hair looked healthier, and I was more focused. It also made me more aware of what I eat. No I am not a vegan or a vegetarian but, I make conscious decisions about my food choices. Thank yo Dherbs *

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* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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