Reviews: Hunger Control

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52 results
  • Hunger Control

    It helped me a lot and I will definitely order more. *
  • Hunger Control

    I wish it decreased my appetite a little more but overall they work pretty well and I would order them again. *
  • Hunger Control

    In order to maintain a healthy weight, it is pertinant that you do not over eat. For many years I've tried every diet pill known to man. I finally found a natural way to curb my appetite so that I am able to eat less throughout the day and maintain a healthy weight. The Healthy Appetite is a phenomenal product, great for daily use. *
  • Hunger Control

    These hunger control pills Help stop my craving for junk food. Thanks Dherbs *
  • Hunger Control

    So far so good! I will continue to take them and give more detail. I have high hopes because every product from dherbs has been great to me! I have been taking it for 1 week now and after 3 weeks I feel I will be able to tell if it's worked for me. I'm excited! I have tried so many products that are filled with junk! Dherbs is amazing *
  • Hunger Control

    The Hunger Control really helped to curve my appetite. I found myself not hungry for any heavy foods and being able to continue eating raw vegetables and fruit. I will definitely order the Hunger Control again. *
  • Hunger Control

    The healthy appetite formula is unlike any product I’ve ever used to assist me in weight management. There are no side effects such as jitters, dry mouth or increased heart rate. *
  • Hunger Control

    It really help with curbing your appetite. It works better after using the 10 day cleanse and maintaining along with exercise. *
  • Hunger Control

    Craving didn't completely go away, but definitely could tell a difference. Not as much hungry feelings and snack cravings, but if you get off track and keep snacking anyway like I did I noticed you wont be able to feel the effects of the herbs hardly as much. So you do have to take focus of what and how much you're consuming to get results and feel effects of the herbs. I'm going to get back on track and try again. *
52 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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