Reviews: Lungs & Respiratory Tea

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39 results
  • Lungs & Respiratory Tea


    The Lungs & Respiratory Tea is a excellent product. My breathing has improved a lot since taking this product. i have suffered with Bronchitis for years and i have not had an attack in almost a year now. i believe this tea has something to do with that. Thank you DHERBS! *

  • Lungs & Respiratory Tea

    As a smoker this Lungs & Respiratory Tea has been heaven sent for my lungs. When I feel my lung tighten and sore I drink my tea and immediately I feel relief. The tea taste great and has a natural sweetness where I don’t have to add anything for flavor and I can drink it cold or hot. Best product I’ve found and the option for auto-delivery keeps me stocked up. *
  • Lungs & Respiratory Tea

    I have chronic asthma and sinuses. I have seen improvements since I've been using this tea with a combination of the mucus tea, but I also take elderberry and sea moss everyday. *
  • Lungs & Respiratory Tea

    I like the taste and the aroma it gives. I don't no if it works yet as far as for me I haven't been sick, but I do give it to my ma daily. She's been having breathing health issue since Apirl 2020 so I'm hoping it help to prevent her from getting sick. *
  • Lungs & Respiratory Tea

    Former smoker off and on for 28 years. Finally kicked the habit February 2020. The Lungs and Resp Tea absolutely helps to clear my lungs to make my breathing clearer. I used the Lung & Resp Tea in conjunction with the Mucus Tea and I swear by both! Really brings the mucus up and out with the first cup. I make sure to drink a cup in the morning and definitely another at bedtime. DHerbs absolutely works!!! *
  • Lungs & Respiratory Tea

    An excellent compliment to my daily cardio supplements. *
  • Lungs & Respiratory Tea

    I was not doing well with my breathing since I had a bout of Bronchitis this last spring. I usually get it and taking anti-biotics knocks it out but it didn't work as well this last time. All the medication I took still left me wheezing, and very uncomfortable. Though my cough had lessened I still took strong cough syrup. I usually make a winter tea and even this time it was not as effective. When I bought Dherbs Lung and Respiratory and Mucus teas I tried both of these teas in a medium size pot, mixing it with any other tea, could be ginger, elderberry, even peppermint, the additions were like frosting on the cake but the substantial core teas were the Dherbal teas for lungs and mucus. Ok so the results were amazing and dare I say miraculous because my breathing within even a couple days eased, over the first week my mucus and the moisture in my lungs was I would describe cleansing my lungs little by little it built up into a good amount of cleanse with great breathing. I rarely use my medications now, not to say I won't but so much less. I ADORE THESE TEAS ... they are amazing. I recommend this highly, you won't be disappointed, whether you brew the lung and resp. with the mucus tea and put it in a good size jug so you can sip on it over a few days, which I recommend as the teas will heat up and become strong enough to make a batch. *
  • Lungs & Respiratory Tea

    I ordered to tryout your Lungs and Respiratory Tea. It has really helped me so much with my breathing issues after battling COVID , it also helped relieve any other aches and pains I had because of it. It tastes really good too and it works Great! I highly recommend this product. I will be ordering some more and also trying out couple other Teas. *
  • Lungs & Respiratory Tea

    My breathing has improved! Overall, mucus has also been reduced. I am impressed so far. *
  • Lungs & Respiratory Tea

    I'm so glad I chose this product it works very well. I can feel results in 3 to 4 days I will be reordering. *
39 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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