Reviews: Metabolism Booster

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51 results
  • Metabolism Booster


    I first started out doing the FBC and wanted to make sure I continued my healthy journey. I Spoke with a Rep and she recommended this product. It has helped in keeping with my goal of losing weight and feeling great. This product is helpful in keeping me going during the day and making sure I get the best out of my workouts. I would really get this product if your looking for that extra to aid you in losing weight. *

  • Metabolism Booster

    It help a lot I will try it again but will try some of the Colon & Digestive Tract one next. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    I got this product after our first child to get back into shape, it helped me regain my stamina and strength to stay active, thank you Dherbs this is a great herbal formula that I highly suggest checking out. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    I haven’t been on MB for a full 30 days yet but I believe it is doing multiple things. My appetite is definitely controlled!!!! My sleep is good quality and I am ready to start my day in the morning!! Also, my morning exercise is better bc I am able to do more!! I use Metabolism Booster, Thyroid Aide and just started Multi-Vitamin!! *
  • Metabolism Booster

    This along with the weight release cleanse did wonders for me. I lost up to 50lbs using these supplements and cleanse along with walking 5 miles 3-4 times a week. This along with the weight release cleanse did wonders for me. I lost up to 50lbs using these supplements and cleanse along with walking 5 miles 3-4 times a week. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    The Metabolism Formula was great! This formula turned all foods eaten into energy. I took this formula every morning and I noticed a huge difference in how I felt after eating a meal or a snack. It's great that this formula or all natural, and it provided a all natural increase within the digestive system. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    Love this formula! Definitely speeds up my metabolism. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    I use Metabolism Booster to support my weight release regimen. Definitely was able to see the results after a week or so. I would recommend this if you hit a plateau in your weight release journey. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    I take it in the morning before work or upon waking. Definitely got my metabolism moving. *
  • Metabolism Booster

    I started taking these metabolism boosters with little expectation about a month ago. I figured they might work a little but didn't expect much. Well let me say I got great results. Let me preface by saying I do eat healthy, exercise and drink lots of water too. I believe these pills work best when you meet them half way with your lifestyle. I only take 2 pills instead of 3. My body is good with that. It really jump starts my day. I have lots of energy, my workouts are better and my appetite is not as strong. I'm so happy I found these. *
51 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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