Reviews: MSM Sulfur - MSM Organic Sulfur Supplement (MSM Joint Supplement, MSM For Skin, Dherbs, Herbal Supplements, Natural Supplements, Herbal Products, Herbal Formulas) (page 6)

Reviews: MSM Sulfur

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74 results
  • MSM Sulfur

    I began using this product to stop my thinning hair. MSM Sulfur has helped my hair grow thicker and improve my hair texture. *
  • MSM Sulfur

    I bought this for my hair and nails. I can really tell the difference in the rate of growth that I have from using it. Highly recommended. *
  • MSM Sulfur

    I must say I totally believe in this product. My hair is definately growing after using this product. And my nails are growing really pretty too. Infact, everything about it is totally true. I am now addicted to dherb's website looking for something to buy. But it can get a little expesive at times, but it's worth the price as long as I get my results. If you are a first time buyer reading this review please be assured that this is a money well spent. I LOVE IT!!!! *
  • MSM Sulfur

    I have been using this product for about a month now and I love hair has been thining in the front for the past few years and now I have already noticed little hairs starting to shoot back up...I am very excited! I believe it has also been easing my neck, back and shoulder pain lately. Great product. *
  • MSM Sulfur

    My husband has used this formula for the past 21 days while on the Full Body Detox program. He has severe scar tissue on his head from being hit on his head with a baseball bat while defending himself from attackers. Since using this product (along with oz oil, Hair, Skin and Nails formula)-- we see a change his his head. Hair is growing through scar tissue that litterally feels like a rock. He also says that his joints have stopped popping and cracking as much as they used to-- MSM has caused this to totally subside. He tells me that he sees a major difference in his joints and I see a significant difference with his hair. We were looking into hair restoration as a future option because it's so expensive, but with the results of hair growth that I see (truly remarkable through such dense and hard scar tissue)-- we will continue to purchase and use this product for several months until all his hair on top of his head grows back. I'll keep you posted! S.H. *
  • MSM Sulfur

    This is a wonderful product. I bought it for hair growth and nail growth and I definately saw results within 2 weeks of using the product. IT also helped clear of some of my pimple scars. *
  • MSM Sulfur

    This is great (MSM Sulfur), when used with the Hair Skin Nails Formula. My skin has begun to take on its natural glow. Love it. Thanks again! *
  • MSM Sulfur

    The effort to begin an aggressive daily work out program left me with some joint issues and ankle problems. After using the MSM Sulfur, I received gradual improvement and less pain. Now back in the gym and getting a good work out thanks to the MSM Sulfur and Zinc. I will continue to have this product as part of my daily herbal intake. *
  • MSM Sulfur

    The MSM Sulfur definitely works. After taking it, I noticed that I have new hair growing all over, my skin also cleared up. *
74 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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