Q: Can you give me more examples of a raw diet? I am starting the Full Body Cleanse and right now I'm thinking only of : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

A typical detox raw food program looks like this

Breakfast: Green smoothie: 1 1/2- 2 cups water / 1 cup greens / 3-5 medium pieces of fruit blended. (see "Green Smoothie Revolution" Boutenko for more info)

Bridge: 2-3 medium sized fruits

Lunch:  Raw Wraps: collard greens as wraps/ tomato, cucumber, bell pepper / fresh herbs / Sauce (salsa/tahini/guacamole/ etc))

Bridge:2-3 medium pieces of fruit

Dinner: Raw pasta: Zuchini sliced with a potato peeler / veggies / Homemade pasta sauce made in blender 

Snack: Sorbet: Blended frozen fruit in a blender  

Hope this helps!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Zinc Formula
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