Q: My husband has prostate cancer and is currently being treated with injections of Zoladex and was previously on Casodex : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

The drugs are no good for him! They are feeding the cancer. His body is not made up of drugs! Radiation is a monster! Cooks the human flesh! I recommend he detox a.s.a.p (Full Body Cleanse) and then follow the Full Body Cleanse up with The Male Cleanse. After these cleanses, put him on Prostate Formula , Male Hormonal Formula, and Electric Greens Combo. Have him drink Detox Tea daily.

Full Body Cleanse
Electric Greens Combo
Male Hormonal Formula
Prostate Formula
The Male Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Zinc Formula
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