Q: This past May my sister started to have really bad asthma attacks and allergic relations to scents, dust etc, and a : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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The heart failure is only permanent if you guys (especially your sister) BELIEVE so! What is believed is achieved! It's nothing but medical BS if you ask me! To CURE her heart condition, I would suggest she: 1. Perform the Full Body Cleanse (absent any pharmaceutical drugs, but it is your sister's choice to stay on them or get off of them) 2. While on the FBC, drink 2-4 cups of Hawthorn Berry tea 3. After the FBC, she needs to take Cardiovascular Formula (3 capsules 2 times daily), Circulation Aid formula (3 capsules once daily), and Bowel Motion (3 capsules before bed every night).

Full Body Cleanse
Bowel Motion
Circulation Aid
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Zinc Formula
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