Reviews: Female Hormonal

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138 results
  • Female Hormonal

    The female hormonal formula product is amazing!! I am 28 years old and have been battling raging hormones since puberty. Within three weeks of taking this product I have noticed that the facial hair isn't growing back as fast, (haven't had to shave in the past two days), I'm sweating a lot less, and my skin is brighter and clearer! I will continue to use this product and recommend it highly!! *
  • Female Hormonal

    I began using the Female Hormonal capsules to aid in balancing my hormones. For some time before taking the capsules, I felt.... off and I started noticing a little bit of facial hair growth. After about 3 weeks of taking the Female Hormonal capsules (daily), I felt like I was back to my normal self and noticed that my menstrual cycle was flowing quite regularly. This is a wonderful product that has helped me feel well again. *
  • Female Hormonal

    I love the female hormonal formula. It has regulated my hormones and has also cleared up the oil on my face due to high testosterone. I do not have the night sweats or the hot flashes anymore due to this product. *
  • Female Hormonal

    I've been taking the Female Hormonal for about a month. I love it. I feel soooooo much better. My mood is better. And everything else. *
  • Female Hormonal

    My hormones have been an unbearable mess for years. I’m taking prescription medication, but irregular menstrual cycles, PMS, weight gain, anxiety, depression, painful-lumpy breasts, headaches, and hair loss are still some of the things I’ve had to live with for a long time. After taking the "Female Hormonal Formula" for a couple of weeks, I’m actually starting to feel better!!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!! ***I’m Forever Grateful*** *
  • Female Hormonal

    The Female Hormonal really works. I had slight hormonal imbalance and this product corrected it in addition to a great diet. Good stuff. *
  • Female Hormonal

    I just have to say that the Female Hormonal did me a very great deal of justice in regulating my menstrual cycle, I had suffered a miscarriage and since then my cycle has never been the same so I decided to try this product and it did it for me. *
  • Female Hormonal

    The Female Hormonal product is worth every penny. This product works better than birth control in aiding to control hormone problems. *
  • Female Hormonal

    The Female Hormonal is great! It made my cycle more regular and stopped most of my cramping while on my cycle. The best thing is my cycle is a day shorter!!! I will continue to take once I run out. *
138 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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