Reviews: Hair & Scalp Oil

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56 results
  • Hair & Scalp Oil


    I love the Hair & Scalp Oil. It really works well with my natural hair. It's not too oily. It's perfect:) *

  • Hair & Scalp Oil

    Leaves hair soft and manageable. Also, it only takes a small amount and doesn't smell bad. *
  • Hair & Scalp Oil

    The hair oil is a nicely concocted oil that has a neutral scent for both men and women. I definitely noticed a difference in my hair within a few days and a little goes a long way. *
  • Hair & Scalp Oil

    This hair oil left my hair soft, manageable, and shiny. I would highly recommend this product because of its effectiveness, and also because it smells nice. *
  • Hair & Scalp Oil

    I am in love with this hair oil. It is not a sticky or oily product and I love everything about my hair since using this product. Ever used a product and you hated the smell, but you use it anyway thinking it has to be good for your hair? Well you don't have to worry about this hair oil because the smell is divine and it is all natural ingredients. *
  • Hair & Scalp Oil

    I love, love, love this hair oil. It smells great and makes my hair so soft. I can see a difference in the amount of hair I shed and natural growth already! *
  • Hair & Scalp Oil

    I am very pleased with the Hair Oil purchase. The first time I used this, I had so many compliments on my hair and people asking to touch and smell my hair. You only need a tad bit so it will last you a long time. Great product for silky hair!! *
  • Hair & Scalp Oil

    This Hair Oil is wonderful! I thought I'd try to leave a good amount on overnight for some extra moisterizer. After washing my hair the next morning my hair turned out so very soft and shiny! I will do this once a week for deep conditioning! *
  • Hair & Scalp Oil

    The Hair Oil contains gorgeous essential oils and not only is this oil good for the hair but I use it on my eyebrows, gently rub it on my eyes and eyelashes and periodically use it on my whole body. When the bottles are empty, I hate to throw them away because I think that the essential oils that linger on the inside of the bottles are still useful so I fill them up with water and when I soak my feet I pour the water from the bottles in. I oil my hair twice a week and my scalp feels absolutely wonderful and knowing that all of those essential oils are going to penetrate deeply through my scalp and into the rest of my body. What wonderful nutrition for scalp, hair, and body. Another way I enjoy it, is to unscrew the top and smell the beautiful aroma that arises from it and inhaling positive thoughts. Bottom line is that all of Dherbs products benefit all of us and if it weren’t for him guiding us with his knowledge and products, and personally myself, I would be a completely lost soul. Thank you God for bringing Dherbs into our lives and mine especially. Blessings Florence *
  • Hair & Scalp Oil

    I have naturally long hair and It is hard to find products that are fully natural without petroleum or mineral oil in them..This oil is excellent! Thanks Dherbs.. I will continue to buy this product. *
56 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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