Reviews: Joint Aid - Supplements For Joints And Muscles (Pills For Bones And Joints, Dherbs, Herbal Supplements, Herba Formulas, Natural Supplements) (page 5)

Reviews: Joint Aid

Joint Aid

I've a big problem with my back (I practice Yoga when I can). Thanks again DHERBS *

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Joint Aid

For quite awhile I have had lower back issues down to my toes. I tried the Joint Aid and within a couple of weeks I saw results. *

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Joint Aid

Let me tell you I have been meaning to write this review for the past 2 to 3 weeks ago. I took this joint formula and after awhile began jogging. Pretty good. Granted I did change my eating habits. Pretty much no pain. So once I ran out I was like let me see how well this product has worked. Well needless to say I feel all the discomfort I remember having before I took joint formula. So "viola" my own personal science experiment to prove to myself. *

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Joint Aid

My work (as of right now) requires me to move my arms around alot and lift fairly heavy things. My shoulders actually started to be in pain, so I copped some of this. Pain went away in a few days, and with consistant use(2-3 months), hasn't even come back... and I'm not even taking the product anymore. XD *

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Joint Aid

I highly recommend DHERBS Joint Formula! Due to my using the computer everyday at work, my right wrist became stiff and soar, it also helped my aching knees, from an old basketball injury! *

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Joint Aid

I began taking the Joint aid after I began having an issue with my knees. I feel better now. *

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Joint Aid

I started taking the Joint Aid within a few days. It relieved my knee of the issue that occurred when my knee popped which caused me to buckle down to the ground. I also made the joint tea from the Full Body Cleanse companion booklet, and I was able to feel the differences within a two weeks. Thanks for another great product. *

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Joint Aid

I ordered the Joint Formula and began to take it after my physical therapy treatments. It has helped me to recover a lot sooner than the therapist anticipated. Thanks DHERBS. *

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Joint Aid

I ordered this formula last month for my mother who had serious problems walking for two months. I read your article on the subject (thanks for the great info). I informed my mom of some necessary changes and ordered this formula. She had tried other products but they did not work. This product was the only thing that helped her problem. I salute you once again for being a educator on health. I have recommended this product to everyone I know. Peace *

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* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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