Reviews: Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

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458 results
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    A excellent Cleanse for me. Only exception is that I am not a pill taker and it is several pills you have to take for the full effect of the cleanse. But I lost 8 pounds and started to set another after the cleanse. I started drinking my daily doze of water, eating "clean" foods and I did daily prep for my meals for my work days. I even started back walking for at least 30 minutes. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I’ve had great success with this product and I have told many people and friends about it. Because of my use of weight releases, I now have changed my eating habits. This change has improved my life in so many ways. So please give it a try!! This is the best weight lost product I’ve ever used. I released a total of 65 pounds. My health became so much better. This product has changed my life in a very positive manner. As I said earlier I would definitely recommend weight release to any one who was looking to release weight and feel better about yourself. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    This was by far the toughest cleanse I've done with Dherbs. You would think an extra dose of herbs wouldn't be an issue. . .but I found this cleanse exhausting. It didn't affect my stomach in a negative way, it was just exhausting for me. I didn't think having seven bottles of herbs to take would be a huge difference from taking six bottles of herbs that I've taken with the other cleanses; but it was. That one extra step had me feeling like it was never-ending. But, despite that minor detail, which really isn't a terrible thing for most people. . .the cleanse works. Weight loss can be accomplished with following the suggested diet. I lost about 10 lbs with this cleanse and I know someone else that lost 20 lbs. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    Pros: I lost about 15 pounds with this product. I would've lost more but I did not stick "completely " to the raw food diet. I was already vegan but, I don't like uncooked food all the time. However, I did feel very clean, it totally wiped away my unhealthy cravings (which was AMAZING!) and I did have much better mental clarity. Cons: Have to take a lot of pills and eat a completely raw vegan diet. But if you can get past the cons it's a great product and you will see results. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    This product work well! I lost another 15lbs! Thanks dherbs! *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    Product was great and pills were easy to take but at times it felt like a lot. I felt better everyday and overall my skin and body looked so much better after the cleanse. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    Great product. This was my third time ordering and trying one of the products. I didn't lose much weight but felt amazing. Will definitely order again. Would love to cleanse twice a year. I'm interested in trying the female cleanse next. Due to Dherbs I was able to kick start my plant based eating lifestyle. Thanks Dherbs! *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    I did the 20 day full body followed by the 20 day weight release. I have less than a week to go and have only lost 10 pounds in total but feel great. I have been cheating a little here and there eating cooked veggies. I am going to order another 20 day weight release to keep going. The best part of losing weight is I have stopped snoring and haven't had to take any acid medicine for over a month. Amazing and highly recommend. *
  • Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen

    The cleansing regimens really got me back on track, I have been eating very unhealthy in my pescatarian diet for about 2 years or more. Because I have digestive issues my body couldn’t take the unhealthy abuse I subjected it too. My body prefers a raw food vegan diet but emotional issues encourage me to reintroduce cooked and seafoods back into my dietary lifestyle - for comfort. I felt my body cleansing daily , but I didn’t shed as much weight as I hoped. I proceeded To commit to another 20 day dherbs 20 cleanse , now the weight is shedding along with thoughts of my previous unhealthy lifestyle. I feel I need to cleanse for as long as I abused my body , it’s my intention to commit to another cleanse after I complete my current cleanse . The herbs have eliminated my desire for unhealthy food options and I don’t feel like I need food related comfort. I also commit to other healing modalities to keep me on track like exercise, meditation, journaling, art and nature walks. Emotionally, I’m in a good place and I intend on staying here. Thank you!!!! *
458 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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