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Ask The Herbalist
Don't be frustrated, Beloved! It will only block you! Consider ordering and reading our "Mental Science Manual" and "Love Manual" and APPLY the principles so as to help you remain positive, calm, and optimistic about your healing. Listen, after the The Female Cleanse, perform the Full Body Cleanse, and then (after you finish the FBC) start taking the Menstrual Cycle (formula and tea), Female Hormonal, Yoni Cleanser, and Styptic Formula. Your body is regulating itself. Trust the natural process! Your body is undoing all the harm you did to it, so be patient, and understanding of all that your body has to do on and for your behalf! Okay? Stay positive! Your body is your humble servant!
Full Body Cleanse
Female Hormonal
Menstrual Cycle Formula
Yoni Cleanser
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Menstrual Cycle Tea