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The pain/sensation in the left testicle is conveying a message to you - REPAIR and REJUVENATE your sexual system. Read our article entitled Testicular Problems. Try the Male Cleanse and/or Jackrabbit (3 capsules), Prostate Formula (3 capsules), Male Hormonal Formula (3 capsules), MSM Sulfur (3 capsules) and drink 1 cup of the Male Health tea every day. These formulas help to provide essential nutrients conducive to male sexual reproductive health. Also, you can use the Alpha Male Oil and massage your testicles with your hands 2-3 times a week to nourish, rejuvenate, and repair the testicles, prostate gland, and penis.

Male Hormonal Formula
MSM Sulfur
Prostate Formula
The Male Cleanse
Male Health Tea
Alpha Male Oil (4 oz)

Your body may have accumulated an abundance of toxins as a result of the prescription medication you are ingesting. We suggest you perform our Full Body Cleanse to purify your body. Your blood is toxic and that's why your skin itches -- the skin manifests the condition of the blood. Purify your blood and major eliminative channels (i.e. liver, colon, kidneys, etc.). The drugs were acidic and acid burns (itches)! Basically, your body is acidic and you need to work on becoming alkaline. Order the Full Body Cleanse and the Full Body Cleanse Companion (EBook) and change your condition in 3-weeks or less! Our herbs are very potent - the BEST!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

We would recommend that you perform our Full Body Cleanse, then follow that up with our Male Cleanse. These cleanses help to provide essential nutrients conducive to male sexual reproductive health. After you finish the cleanses, go with Male Hormonal Formula, Prostate Formula and Male Health Tea to continue to maintain the wellness of your testicles, penis, and prostage gland. And more importantly, give masturbating a break for a while. Also, soak in hot water and 2-3 boxes of sea salt daily.

Full Body Cleanse
Male Hormonal Formula
Prostate Formula
The Male Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Male Health Tea

Try performing our LIQUID-based products. The Liquid Full Body Cleanse is a great alternative for those who want to improve their health but have trouble with capsules. Please also read "How To Take Herbs".

The Children's Cleanse is a good start. The Children's Cleanse is a liquid-based cleanse that contains formulas to nourish and cleanse the body and all of its eliminative channels, assisting the body to heal itself from the inside-out.

Iron Formula and/or Blood & Lymphatic and Vitamin C! Don't forget to read our various articles on our site. Many questions can be answered via reading!

Blood & Lymphatic
Iron Formula
Vitamin C

To relieve toe pain, soak the toe in hot water, sea salt, and peppermint oil for 30 minutes daily. This has detoxifying properties that will help eliminate toxins that maye be blocking proper circulation, thereby causing pain. Try our Headache & Pain Formula too. For low sex drive, try Jackrabbit formula and Jackrabbit Extract to aid your entire sexual reproductive system.

Jackrabbit Tea

Take half a teaspoon and stir in water and drink daily (best if done before bedtime).

Activated Charcoal

We recommend trying the Colon & Digestive Tract or Bowel Motion along with Intestinal Cleanser to get you back on track towards healing. These formulas will help cleanse toxins and waste from your digestive system, while helping your digestive system function at optimal levels.

Bowel Motion
Colon & Digestive Tract
Intestinal Cleanser

The heart failure is only permanent if you guys (especially your sister) BELIEVE so! What is believed is achieved! It's nothing but medical BS if you ask me! To CURE her heart condition, I would suggest she: 1. Perform the Full Body Cleanse (absent any pharmaceutical drugs, but it is your sister's choice to stay on them or get off of them) 2. While on the FBC, drink 2-4 cups of Hawthorn Berry tea 3. After the FBC, she needs to take Cardiovascular Formula (3 capsules 2 times daily), Circulation Aid formula (3 capsules once daily), and Bowel Motion (3 capsules before bed every night).

Full Body Cleanse
Bowel Motion
Circulation Aid
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

The Full Body Cleanse is best! This cleanse can detoxify the body and help remove the toxicity that your friend's body is suffering from. She should drink 2-4 cups of the Full Body Cleanse Tea too to give her body an extra boost! After detoxing, I would have her take 5 capsules of Electric Greens every 2-3 hours every day in addition to drinking raw vegetable juice every day. This can further help eliminate toxicity in her body once she completes the cleanse. She should avoid eating any cooked foods, just raw foods! She should bathe daily in moderately hot water, sea salt and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide. More tips and pointers can be found in the Full Body Detox Companion (available on-line).

Full Body Cleanse
Electric Greens Combo
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Please read our articles Bacterial Vaginosis and Condition: Bacterial Vaginosis. These can help give you the information you need. We recommend you give the Female Cleanse a try. 

The Female Cleanse

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