Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 27) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

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Ask The Herbalist

I'd suggest the University of Kemetian Sciences @ (Phil Valentine). Also check out Clayton College of Health. Read some of our articles tagged "Herbology".

Inquire about a waiver form! Cinchona is used in a few formulas sold at Otherwise you'd have to inquire with a local herb store to purchase it individually. It's a rare herb (also known as Peruvian Bark)

You have some inner blocks that are holding you back. The problems are recorded in your chakras and thus you should have chakra work performed by a qualified (doesn't mean "certified"), and trusted energy healer. Instead of focusing on keeping your life in balance, focus on what you desire to do only. I really suggest that you read my e-book manuals: "The Money, Wealth, and Prosperity Manual", "The Mental Science Manual", and the new "Discovering Your Life's Higher Purpose" (highly recommended). I can totally relate to what you're saying and experiencing! You're just blocked! You may have some vital information stored in your natal chart as well. You need an inner diagnosis performed. If you order all the tools named above, I will give you the consultation for free so we can nail down the location(s) of the inner blockages. You very well may be blocked at the First, and Third chakras. Fear is stored in the First chakra, just to let you know. You can be helped, Beloved! Stay positive, and focus on your desires. Like I state in the "Mental Science Manual", play in your mind! Live in it and miraculously the things stored in the mind, and constantly played out will manifest.

Glad you enjoyed the e-book! However, sounds like you did not receive a copy of the updated version which lists this information. ALKALINE WATER MACHINE: Aardvark Juicers Compare Ionizers Earth Trade Fern's Nutrition Healing Water Machines Healthnut Alternatives Heartland Herb Shop High Tech Health Ion Life Kangen Life Ionizers Natural Solutions Tyent USA Review of Best 3 Alkaline Water Machines OZONE MACHINES: Applied Ozone Systems Enaly Water Oz p.s - Water Oz makes the best ozone machines!

Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (eBook)

Yes, you may, if you can tolerate the taste!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

For remedies, please read our article "Anal And Rectal Problems" in our articles section

Start performing the "Sea Salt Soak" (read our article by the same title in our articles section). Perform daily if you can! I'd also recommend you alternate between the Oxy-Oil, and the Face and Body Oil. Read the article "Skin Disorder = Blood Disorder." Continue to stay positive! Consider reading "The Mental Science Manual."

Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Face and Body Oil (8 oz)
Face and Body Oil (4 oz)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)

There's no herbal alternative to surgery, Beloved! Man, doctors are no joke! They will do anything just to make money. Perform the Full Body Cleanse, Beloved! Rub Face and Body Oil on the lumps. Perform the sea salt soak daily. Read our article "Sea Salt Soak". Also, read "The Mental Science Manual." 

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Face and Body Oil (8 oz)
Face and Body Oil (4 oz)

Hmmm! Intake, Price? That's going to vary! The best way to determine anything is based upon your intuition (energy). A good ND listens to you! Their price is pretty economical, or they will work with you to help you out financially. They don't push their products on you, they just inform you on what you need. They let you know you have free will and choice! A good ND will allow you to ask questions and give you answers that suffice your questions.

The soy milk is really not a good alternative milk. Please read the article on "Alternative Infant Formula Milk" as well as the article "Breast Problems". You'll find answers and remedies in these articles. Herbs are better than inserting some man-made device in the vagina, but it's her choice. Everything has a resonating energy, and the energy from the gadget will alter her vaginal energy. 

I'm not really into the whole antibody thing with herpes, but using western logic, no anitbodies = no virus present! You're Fine! You're experiencing some residual healing effects. But don't focus on this thing to long because what you worry about you create. Read the Mental Science Manual Beloved!

Either the Oxy Oil, or Healing Facial and Body Oil will help you in the matter!

Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Face and Body Oil (8 oz)
Face and Body Oil (4 oz)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)

Of course you don't have to eat RAW forever, your diet plan sounds smart and wise!

Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Great to hear! You tested negative. The energetic residual effect of the outbreaks are still there. Doesn't mean you have herpes though! Healing is not over with because of some test! You still have healing to do on the emotional energetic level. You are 100% correct about your body eliminating toxins Beloved! Because, the occurrences are on the vagina, you may need to address some past sexual issue or issues dealing with your Goddessness.

Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen

We have a couple of articles you might be interested in. Articles: "Dietary Choices", "Dherbs.Com Position on Soy Products".

Usually, the hormones are out of balance, usually the ovaries. Hair loss is a sign of degeneracy at the sexual reproductive level. Rebuild the endocrine system. Start by cleansing the body. Start by detoxing (Full Body Cleanse) followed by performing The Female Cleanse. Also, learn to focus on what you desire (beautiful and healthy hair) and not what you don't want (hair fallout, hair problems). Our Mental Science Manual is good reading for healing with the mind in addition to herbs and other things.

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

First, let's have mom perform the Full Body Cleanse, followed by the Electric Greens Combo Cleanse. We must restore the function of all her organs. Let's start here, and take things one cleanse at a time. We offer consultations too for $25. Mom can heal if she has the desire to. 

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen

You are confused on the two kinds ozone. I'm talking about ozone, or oxygen (with 3 molecules). Study the research of ED Mccabe, (Do Google Search on him). Research Ozone therapy.

It's never hopeless unless you agree to believe that it is. Have you performed a female based cleanse (The Female Cleanse)? Any warming (i.e. hot flashes) pertains to dumping off toxins, but usually due to the uterus being taxed. How's your uterine health? Any problems in that area? 

The Female Cleanse

Make sure you eat something before taking #2, or any other formulas. Make sure to also drink plenty of water as well.

Pancreas Cleanse

Zinc Formula
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