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Ask The Herbalist
Yes! If they are natural vitamins.
Please look up VOMITTING in the "Detox Troubleshooting"and read the article "Healing Crisis" in our articles section. Also, babies don't receive toxins from breast milk but they will receive the benefits and cleansing effects of the herbs as well.
Moles deal with the skin so I would suggest you read our article "Skin Disorder = Blood Disorder" in our articles section.
Try our Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen.
All herbs work, but all people's body systems and organs do not, so healing rates vary! Please read "Epilepsy (Seizures)", "Natural Remedies For Epilepsy Awareness Day", "AIDS and HIV".
I recommend the following in this order to perform for healing: Full Body Cleanse, Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen, Uterus Cleanse, 10 Day Colon Cleanser. Purchase Mental Science Manual e-book for reading during cleanses (helps get your mind right for healing).
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Weight Release Cleanse & Regimen
Uterus Cleanse
10 Day Colon Cleanse
I can assure you herbs do not cause what you are experiencing. A bug may be doctor's lingo for any healing crisis. However, a bug is not a form of healing crisis. If you would have suffered from anything herbally, those doctors would have told you. A bug is a so-called virus (in doctor's lore) but viruses do not exist. Virus means "poison" as in "poisonous blood" and herbs do not poison the blood but simply remove poisons from the blood. If your family wants to legitimately blame Dherbs, get a blood analysis done. But again, the doctors have told you that you developed a bug. They didn't say you had an allergic reaction to anything. From time to time we experience these problems with people but it's always limited to the person's specific case. Breast-feeding does not weaken the body. Toxins do not go into the breasts but exit via the eliminative channels. My wife performed the Full Body Cleanse while breast-feeding our 2-month old son and absolutely NADA! I always tell people to deal with a situation and when they get back on their feet show people wrong by performing your desired cleanse successfully. You're not the first situation of this sort. Not at all! Hang in there, Love!
Please schedule a consultation, Beloved. A response here won't do justice to the little boy's situation. Please read "Autism".
Start first with the Full Body Cleanse and follow it up with The Female Cleanseand lastly the Uterus Cleanse. Purchase Mental Science Manual e-book to help with the mental aspect of healing. Drink Female Health Tea too during these cleanses. Start here, Beloved. Don't worry about white spots right now. We'll hit that later.
Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Female Health Tea
Uterus Cleanse
Herbs to try: Brain Booster, Nerve Formula, MSM Sulfur, and Headache And Pain Formula. Also, purchase Oxy-Drops for your drinking water (10-20 drops per glass).
Recommendation: Full Body Cleanse followed by Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen. Read Mental Science Manual e-book during healing period. Highly recommended! We'll deal with weight issue in next step of your healing process.
Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
I recommend that they are taken separately so as to perform their unique function, but you can take them all together if you like. Please read "How To Take Herbs".
I only refer folks to Dherbs products and everything can be found on the website ( in the on-line store. Please read our article on "Sarcoidosis".
If you have herpes like symptoms you should go get tested for the STD before starting the Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen. In the meantime we suggest starting with the Full Body Cleanse to eliminate the waste and toxins that can be contributing to the condition. After doing the Full Body Cleanse your body will be in a better state to heal from the virus if you are suffering from one. We would suggest doing the Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen followed by the 10 Day Electric Greens Combo Regimen if you test positive for virus.
Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen
Beloved, perform the Full Body Cleanse and the 10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen and you should be fine!
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Electric Green Combo Regimen
Yes, Oral Antiseptic Spray! And the Natural Tooth Powder.
Please read some of our articles on "Activated Charcoal".
Yes, it will interfere! Please read "Can I Take Medication With My Herbs?".
The Uterus Formula will not be effective enough to help you at this point. You would need to do the Full Body Cleanse to detox the toxins and waste that has contributed to the tumor followed by the Uterus Cleanse. Both will help assist with breaking down the fibroid.
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Uterus Cleanse