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Ask The Herbalist
Fish in moderation is okay for you. To maintain alkalinity, despite the acid-forming things you eat, just make sure to eat as many green foods as possible. You can also take 6 capsules of Electric Greens Combo too! You're doing good so keep your thoughts positive and on your desires.
You already know what to do. The illusion of fear is paralyzing you. Do the thing you fear and the fear will go away! Remember, God and fear cannot co-exist. Have you read our "High blood pressure (hypertension)" article yet? If not, please do so and get you some knowledge. Fear results from ignorance, good brother. And therefore, knowledge causes fear to dissipate when the knowledge is acted upon. You know what you need to do. Get the knowledge, have faith, and then act!
Healing is wholistic, beloved. You have to change your thoughts, your attitude, your diet, your lifestyle, etc. In addition to the above, cleansing your body is very important! Perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by the Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen.
Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Damn! Surgery is no joke! By all means avoid it if you can. All you have to do is cleanse your body as much as possible (3-4 times a year). This will help the glands to drain of the toxins and impurities causing them to swell. Give the Full Body Cleanse a try!
Perform the Full Body Cleanse! Also, stop wearing any tight shoes!
I would suggest you order our Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual (EBook). It has what you are looking for. It's a great resource.
Please read our "Eye problems" article to educate yourself on Glaucoma. I would recommend your mother perform the Full Body Cleanse and drink herbal tea of bilberry, eyebright, and/or calendula. All of them are good! Drink as much of these teas as possible while detoxing. After detoxing, have her keep drinking the teas and to take Eye Formula and the Circulation Aid formula.
Full Body Cleanse
Circulation Aid
Eye Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Perform the Full Body Cleanse (and do so periodically). Also, stay away from salt and salty foods. These cause you to retain fluids.
Try Oxy-Oil until our new ringworm slave comes out in the future. Castor oil is also good for ringworm.
Natural foods won't do it, but eating unhealthy foods will, especially foods containing sugar. You'll become very sick but you'll have a big booty.
The first thing i must do is kindly ask you to read the articles on our site: "Genital Herpes" and "I'm thin! Will I lose weight during the detox?". It is important that you get understanding in order to heal from your health crisis. After reading you will know to begin your healing journey by first performing the Full Body Cleanse followed by the Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen. Stay positive and know that with god all things are possible.
Full Body Cleanse
Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
The problem is clearly his colon due to what's being fed to him (which is dead food). Have the child to perform the Children's Detox and change his diet (give him more raw fruits and vegetables). Change the diet permanently.
You sure can!!! Please read "How To Take Herbs".
Products that help with eczema include: Full Body Cleanse, Blood & Lymphatic Formula , and the Oxy-Oil. Please read our article "Eczema" for more in depth information on this blood disorder which is 100% heal-able.
Full Body Cleanse
Blood & Lymphatic
Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)
Damn!!! That explains a lot! Detox beloved, perform the Full Body Cleanse! Those suckers could be stuck in your tissues!!!
You may find what you are looking for in our "Folliculitis and psuedo-follicultis" article. Please read the article and let me know if it suffices your inquiry.
You would need a microscope to be specific and technical. The banana would contain natural amino acids, minerals (esp. Potassium) with an atomic weight/number, etc. It would assimilate into the body and help repair it, aid growth and maintenance to sustain life. The cooked meat would be a frankenstein if you will. The cooked meat would become inorganic via cooking (altering). It will not assimilate into the body, which is why meat causes premature aging via disease. Please my article on this subject "The dangers of eating meat!". I have hundreds of other inquiries i must answer.
Believe it or not, split ends reflect the health of the ovaries. Your hair ties in to your reproductive area. Feed (nourish) the sex glands. Consider performing The Female Cleanse but also consuming female reproductive specific herbs (via tea, capsules, or extracts) daily. Take as much MSM Sulfur as you can. This is great food for the hair and keeps the hair growing. To fix split ends, work on your ovaries.
Raw cocoa can be eaten. It's a natural food that is alkaline in its raw natural state. It can be mixed with bananas, certain grains, etc. Or, simply be creative! Please read "What is: Raw Foods?", "Understanding Acidic vs. Acid-Forming".
You would benefit from the Full Body Cleanse followed by the dherbs 10 Day Colon Cleanser. Black walnut hulls are safe for you. It's not actually a nut, but the hull from it. Allergies are overcome with deep cleansing on the cellular and tissue level. Removal of the gallbladder has thrown your body out of whack. However, the body does have the ability to compensate.
Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Colon Cleanse